MQ - Conking Mallet


Dalayan Elder
I'm currently on the part of the main quest where Krigok Prappit asks you to conk citizens from 4 certain towns until the mallet procs daze, then click the belt to "enslave" them. I tried the Newport citizen first and it procced on the second swing, enslaved, no problem. At that point my 2hb skill was around 50. Currently my 2hb skill is 75 (all skill ups have been through the trainer). No matter if I'm trying to conk a citizen from Oggok, Underhill, or Halas it's not working anymore. Once I start attacking I can actually hit the citizen 3 or 4 times and then it never hits again. Twice now (once on the Oggok citizen and with wonderous rapidity cast on me, and once on an underhill citizen) I've sat there attacking them for 30 minutes without a single hit after the first 2-4 hits at the very beginning of the fight. It seems as if once it says "you have entered combat" it becomes impossible to hit, and I suppose therefore proc (since of course that's not happening either). I could be wrong, but I don't think it has to do with my weapon skill, as I can hit fine with weapons of other skills at lower skill levels. My character in question is a shaman (Pharrell), level 34. Like I said it worked right off on the Newport citizen, but I think that's because it procced right off, before the missing started. For now I'll keep trying to get lucky and proc on the first few seconds, but that could take forever. Any help is appreciated, and let me know if I need to supply more info.
Update - I tried the Halas citizen again within seconds of posting and it procced on the third swing, so two down. Still think it's bugged, but maybe I'll just get lucky doing it this way.
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