Mouse Speed Issues (x is slow, y is very fast)

Perhaps Im having the same problem. I just thought I was rusty from not playing EQ for so long. I'm used to 1st person shooters & strafing around corners & right now it seems to turn slowly when doing so.
i play WR on 2 differant systems.. my second system had this problem. In other words, it is probably your machine, not WR.

the way i fixed it was by removeing the mousesoftware, then rebooting, going in to the control panel, and moveing my mouse sensitivity up.

If your useing something other than a standard 3 button mouse, you might loose the abilityse of the extra buttons.... I tried changeing the mouse sensitivity before removeing the software, but it didnt' help.
i normally use EQWindow.... i used normal fullscreen EQ last night and that fixed the problem... i don't know why though. Fullscreen was set to the same refresh rate and resolution... weird
If it's tied to framerate, why not turn on Vsync? Vsync=1 in eqclient.ini. Make sure you have a refresh rate set as well.

I'm going to try this now.

Edit: Works perfectly now.
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Good god, somewhere in the history of this game lies a little gnome of a man-geek still laughing about his one shot at world fame by putting in a secret little binary that would affect MANY mice and people who played EQ for years to come.

and have to edit cause of the post above, sorry we folks who are new to forums and bother to read them and SIFT for hours trying to find answers to our problems, and then once we find some smidgen of hope, we post cause the thread does not fix our problem, and therefore bumping 5 year old threads cause we don't care about the date, we care about the topic.
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I will have to try this when I start playing again. Thanks for the info. I'm glad you bumped this thread.
I had this problem and recently fixed it, after digging and digging for an answer.. I tried a ton of things but I think what fixed it was adding VSync=1 to the eqclient.ini under defaults.

If someone tries this tell me if it doesn't work and i'll try to figure out what else I changed.

hope it helps
My EqClient.ini doesn't contain a "vsync=" line but what fixed this problem for me was changing the "Max Frames Per Second" in the options to 60.

Problem solved. Tried many, many things and this was the only remedy to my problem.
This is a bug that had been around since the beginning of eq, i have this problem as well and had it when i played on live too up till i quit right after god came out, anyway, i have found that the sensitivity of the x axis is inversely proportional to how many FPS you are getting in game, meaning the higher fps you are getting, the more unresponsive the x axis is going to be. its a wierd bug and i never figured out how to fix it

This is what fixed it for me. Loaded EQplaynice, and boom, no more problems!
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