Forum Skin Competition/Request

"This" being ... ? There are two nice themes available now, in addition to Terrible Style and Fluid. I think I prefer the Dark one, actually, as much as I disliked Fluid.
So who won anyways? =D

Btw I like it as long as wiz doesnt change his moose head lol. He is forever locked into the moose head with a big wiz hat on till the day he dies. =D
There were technical problems with two of the submissions that were on our side and not the submitters. We are not announcing the winners until the last two are in (or if they do not respond in the next day or so with the revisions we need.)

Until then enjoy the moose castle! Runner up fame points will also be disclosed here when we make the winning announcement.
"This" being ... ? There are two nice themes available now, in addition to Terrible Style and Fluid. I think I prefer the Dark one, actually, as much as I disliked Fluid.

Did anyone else lose the ability to change the skin to which of the four you preferred? The drop down bar selection is just gone now and cannot find the alternative way.
Yea, I goofed around with the User CP a bit looking for it myself, and gave up, assuming it was disabled until the rest of the skins were submitted/done. :shrug:
Did anyone else lose the ability to change the skin to which of the four you preferred? The drop down bar selection is just gone now and cannot find the alternative way.

Yeah, same here, now. Just the Dalaya Dark is available. Guess I got a sneak preview!
Make the "Shards of Dalaya" logo on top left a lil more legible. Other than that I love it.
No reason to reinvent the wheel, there are plenty of professional skins out there that are free :)
omg PLZ put the old one back.. its was cleaner... some ppl acess this forum at work, and its not a good idea to have it black, with dragons, and mooses all over.. :(
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