<Fair-Weather Friends>

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i mean seriously i love to troll so much that i have trolled my own body irl by drinking four loko out of a paper bag at farmers market and it is definitely up there with my most regrettable decisions. It's basically just vodka and redbull in a can except it tastes far far worse and makes you feel like the sugar an acid in it is eating away at your throat/intestines
I can say I've never tried four loko, did try the budwieser one once shit made me puke. Avoided all energy/malt liquor beverages since lol. now that WA has put a ban on it, wonder whats gonna come out next...
Most of the kiddies are blaming CWU for the ban in WA. It's pretty lolzy.

I guess date rapes will have to find a new scapegoat.

As a man who lives in WA and regularly drinks Olde English paperbag style

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Most of the kiddies are blaming CWU for the ban in WA

those kiddies at CWU don't know how to party. We've been over this.

and i strongly suspect no matter what those incompetent ellensburg cops say, those kids were doing some cocaine or meth or ex or something because 2 four lokos and vodka has never fucked me up that hard before

shit, i saw a cat shotgun a four loko after about 12 brewskis in the middle of a whole day of drinking. hospitalization? a real laff. That shit tastes bad, but it's nothing but coughsyrup + gatorade + dr pepper in a can.

Never FOURget!!

EDIT: hide yo kids, hide yo wife, cuz they banning four lokos up in here
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Celtics crushed the Wizards today true story

knock on wood, 2 wins against the Heat already but the playoffs are a ways away

Magic have no perimeter game, Hawks are too unpolished
In the finals Lakers are fucked, Big Diesel will get his
Sup sonnns
[10:55] <@fuwork> i don't know what you are doing but i will probably be done here at work by the early afternoon
[10:56] <@fuwork> i am just revising my contract and updating my will to leave all my SoD characters to michael jordan in the event that i predecease him
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