Data, and suggestion for mage R2 pet.

This is just from a non-mage perspective, and isn't even necessarily directed at this particular thread, but in a lot of these threads specific to a class or groups of classes, a lot of the suggesting gravitates from a balance or fix towards making the class more powerful. I'm sure I'm guilty about doing this to some degree in monk and maybe shaman threads too, but from the perspective of someone who thinks (whether it's a delusional thought or not!) a lot of these classes that end up asking for more are already more powerful than some of the others where it shouldn't necessarily be the case, I often wonder if dev-types read these and take less and less stock in them the more and more the players ask for.

Like, my third character is a wiz. Pre-channeling change (which I never bothered figuring out exactly what changed, but have gotten the impression that most wizards or casters in general consider it a nerf) wizards could destroy other classed in parses, so if a dev sees a thread where a ways into the discussion someone's asking for a third tome that in some way boosts wizard dps, they're probably gonna just continue right past it.

I just say all this because it always seems to me like half the posts in any of these threads don't really take game and class balance into account when, for lack of a better way of putting it, asking for new shit or bigger numbers.

(I read all this stuff, half the time not knowing much about any of it, and in this thread in particular it does sound like a lot of this stuff could use a boost or at least some kind of change. I just point this out, because some of these posts seem like they want to make mages crazy, and imo that's kinda counter-productive to getting someone with the ability to do anything with any of it to take it seriously. Maybe I'm tripping. If so feel free to disregard. Sorry for the semi-derail-continuation, but I kinda felt like it might toss a little reality in for some folks..)

Was it one of my suggestions?
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