please suggest items to make this character better or otherwise less shitty
hes dumb please help
hes dumb please help
Get some rings and level up, you're totally fine gear-wise. If you have pp to spend just cruise the listsold listings on the website.
havent played in almost a year, was contemplating it.
I have 700pp to spend and some stuff I could probably sell(though for probably less than what I payed back then, think I have a fleshripper and a robe of woven fog).
If the changes to warriors I was reading about actually happened I regret picking ranger. lol.
though I'm pretty sure I don't have enough money to unbind all my shit. Probably not even my haste gloves.
Scarlet blade of searing is a bad item that noone should ever use
don't spend money except on charms
Watch Auction channel and scoop loots up at vender prices. And you can sell them back to a vender when you are done for almsot no pp loss.
this is actually what funded my various character gearings. Buying shit from vendors and reselling. Unscrupulous
Unless something changed I was under the impression that elemental weapon damage failed its resist check a ridiculous amount.
This, but the exact reverse, on pretty much all pre-raid content.
Should have read my thread about item damage where I explained how you can pretty much expect it to be at least 75% effective unless you know stuff will be resistant, and even then it'll probably be at least 50% unless they're immune (then like 20-30%), when you had the chance.
This, but the exact reverse, on pretty much all pre-raid content.
Should have read my thread about item damage where I explained how you can pretty much expect it to be at least 75% effective unless you know stuff will be resistant, and even then it'll probably be at least 50% unless they're immune (then like 20-30%), when you had the chance.