This happened to me several times while moving stuff around before I realized what was booting me char screen. As you said, when moving a stack of food or water, the stack moves, usualy minus one which stays on the cursor. putting it back on the stack caused instant ld to char select screen. Heh, this after lding normally 3 times in 15 mins.iaeolan said:Item duping/insta LD when messing with food
Error: Corpse out of range
Einstein said:Is the keylock bug game or eqw specific?
It's driving me up the wall to the point where it's frustrating to play. Originally all was fine until i started a bot. Then things went woefully downhill. After reading the forums i noticed the keylock fix which greatly decreased the occurence, but it still happens randomly.
The only temporary fix i could get to work in my situation was to rightclick the game bar in the system tray thingy and either 'move' or 'resize' click about a bit, spam Esc and fixed... but only temporarily. The longer term fix required relogging to login every damn time.
I'm not even level 10 and this silly little thing is going to drive me to quit.
Will post more details if i figure out a workaround.
Wesell said:The Game client tends to lock the right shift if you use it a lot (just hit right shift once to unlock), most other keys only lock in EQW. You can run the game client in a window without EQW, alt-enter switches it between full-screen and windowed, but without EQW the game will not release the mouse when you zone a character or hit a logging in or camping screen. I prefer to deal with the problems inherent in running the two instances of the Game client at once over the problems with EQW, try it out and decide for yourself.
Oh, disable EQW in the 'advanced' menu on the SoD patcher.
It's actually a few buttons that cause the keyboard lock. when using shift up to recall previous commands, the right-shift sticks sometimes, when alt tabbing, the ctl sticks sometimes, this is the client doing this, not windows sticky keys (which has a prompt). A way to remove the keyboard getting fugged when tabbing between two windows would be to use the command EQW has to toggle between two windows, which is ctl shift r (iirc). This command can be changed in the eqw ini file to something else, but you will probably need it to remain a ctl shift + ___ so it doesnt interfere with other windows and in-game commands.Einstein said:I think you're referring to the windows 'stickykeys' feature, which i have turned off.
The best i've been able to do to avoid the keyboard being locked out, and then after several hours only requiring a re-log and it's fixed is:
Keylock ON
Mouse control DISABLED (F12)
So basically playing with the keyboard, and using a Mouse toggle key if i really need to use the mouse in some cases, but mostly don't need the mouse for any control at all. Just standard clicking looting and dragging.
Tried to play without eqw running and the game just had a massive flashy video death of doomy doom doom. So yeah, not a lot of options to work with, but got a workaround in the end thankfully.
GuiardoTuneweaver said:Another bug which could be listed:
Listsold "Xyz is not selling any item #123" bug: Listsold listings appear to be zone specific, populated when a zone is booted, and updates do not happen consistently or frequently. This can cause items to be shown in listsold listings which are either not available (you get "Xyz is not selling any item #123" when trying to listbuy), or which contain the wrong item when you listbuy. To avoid these issues, you can zone to your house to get a fresh, up-to-date listing since the house is instanced and going there spawns a new version of the zone.
Demonicol said:ive ran into this bug before i wonder if theres another fix for those of us whom dont have a home to go to.
Tempus said:Everyone over level 20 has a home to go to.
Tempus said:Everyone over level 20 has a home to go to.
Demonicol said:really? how do i find out about it? i thought it was a donar only thing.