Client freeze while zoning

Just giving this a bump because my wife and I have started having this problrm as well and it is almost making the game unplayable. We are playing in South America, but have been for over a year and this issue is recent. Some days are randomly ok, but on others we will crash out while zoning almost every time. Once in a zone we can play fine with almost no lag, this only happens when we try to change zones. Hoping devs can get this figured out sometime soon.....
Anyone ever find a fix for this? It's getting frustrating. It can take me like 5 crashes trying to zone into a place and the next day it might work first try everytime I zone.
This problem has been around for many years. I get it too, it even happens on another computer I have. It never used to happen to me years ago though, not sure what changed.
I experienced freezing/crashing months back, but I have not seen it at all recently. It seemed to happen to me only while 2-boxing, and only at certain times of the day. Lately, I have been boxing a lot less and even while boxing, it's been a long time since I've had problems.
Yeah with one client it happens about 2% of the time, when I box, it happens about 40% of the time. I think it was a bit worse for me last year when I played.
Ok, I have noticed some things in different setups. I went out and got priffinity to control my dual core cpu affinity issue. It runs in the background and gets it right every time. I ran it in the patcher for affinity and it never quite got it. Now I run 2 toons on one box. Both have there own directory. I have been doing it were one is on cpu 0 and the other is on cpu 1. I have windows XP pro. I just a couple of days ago threw in EqPlayNice............ jury still out on it. I don't recommend it because my system was doing fine before I introduced it into the mix. I have a 1mb connection to the web I play on and I usually zone both toons at the same time and never get disconnected. I also installed using the Titanium and Steam install. Also I have only found about 5 UI's that work without crashing the game. If you didn't know it every time you zone the UI is refreshed. If something is just so slightly out of place that could also be causing this. We make small changes and we tend to forget about them as we play. It could be as simple as dumping the character UI and letting it go back to default. I am hoping we can compile a better UI area in the forums so everyone can have better UI's with success. Also I am on wireless. I do this from my desktop and laptop and both are the same including nvidia video cards. Feel free to shoot me questions maybe I can solve your issues. My first suggestion would be dump the character UI in the everquest folder and let it rebuild it from scratch, as always when I mean dump I mean back it up then remove it from the folder and start the game.
Hey Freejack, did you used to get the crash on zone problem? I have used various affinity tweaks, but I have never tried installing the game twice and giving each client it's own install. I'll have to give that a try!

As for eqplaynice, I use that all the time, otherwise the mouse control is horrible and there are a few other issues.

As for UI, I have never tried anything other than the default UI. I've also tried re-installing the game (and even reinstalling all of windows) and that didn't help. So I doubt it's related to UI corruption. Not for me at least anyway.

I'll try the dual installs and let you all know though.
I have never had an issue with mouse control, until I installed EQPN. It started to lag in movement with EQPN. I am not done testing it yet. I have never had the zone crash issue, I set this up from the start.
Tried using two clients from two separate installs tonight, it didn't seem to help. And the crashes happen even when I'm playing with just one client :/
What antivirus/firewall security you running. You assigned the 2 instances to different cpu's? 1 to 0 and the other to 1? If you did that then you have something running in the background that is taking either cpu or bandwidth.
Yep assigned to different CPU's. And I have no AV or software firewall. There is a firewall on my router. According to task manager, cpu and bandwidth is both hardly used.
The reason i asked was I run Microsoft Security Essentials and I excluded those folders and exe so they have no issues. Can you post a full run down of your system hardware and software?
Sure, here is my stuff:

i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz
6 gig DDR (stock speed)
HD 5870 (stock speed)
Win 7, 64 bit
Internet is 20mbit cable connection

Game is installed on to a 7200rpm sata II disk which is regularly defragged. Nothing running in the background. I should mention that I had this problem on my previous PC too, which had completely different hardware and ran winXP. I spent a long time trying to fix it and there was a huge thread on this forum somewhere with people having the same problem and trying to fix it. No one ever found a solution. Someone in game suggesting reformatting the disk and re-installing windows and I even tried that and it didn't work.

On a new PC now and same problem happens with this too. I did some hardcore googling about it once and there was talk about it being a known issue with EQ EMU servers and nobody knew a solution. That was a couple of years ago now though.
I did my original install with Titanium, I got a Install from steam. I think when I ran Titanium I dropped when zoning a few times. I have not had an issue since I have made the setup I have now. PM me I can help you.
Hey thanks for the PM! I tried to reply but it wont go through, I think you need to enable PM's in the profile somewhere. I'll reply back.
I have PM's enabled it is the box at the bottom for contacts you need to check it before it will let you send.
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