Breeches of Antiquity

I'm a bit late on this but in what world is 50hp more on a single slot not a huge upgrade

You lose 19 AC. But HPs are generally better than AC in the high end as you end up taking a bit more spell damage (most of which is unresistable) than physical damage.

-19 AC.

Over 4 "Tiers" of raiding and a shit ton of progressin later too!

Hell, they (pre zaela lulz) are the smallest upgrade when comparing any t8/9 gear to t11/12 gear for any slot for a cleric, by far, and they are the only useable cleric pants after mephar pants from known killed content.

But hell, everyone seems to disagree with me so i'll just wear the golden pants of discord while fealus' tears sustain me.
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i was t8/t9 for like 2 years and probably killed melamor 20 times and i've never even seen them drop. if you happen to miss out on them, you're kinda screwed until spires. which is quite a ways off from melamor... and now assuming the spires pants change is permanent, you're kinda screwed forever.
if you want a vision of the future just imagine a cleric wearing 250hp/mana pants on a human face forever
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