Any word yet on necro replacement AA?

I do appreciate the work put in to replace festering curse and the new pet but I have to agree with others in the thread that the new pet is just not worth it at all. More importantly, losing hierophant's breath really, really sucks. Not only did we lose our only source of AE dps we also lost a very fun spell to a pet that causes more headaches than its worth. I do think that the caster pet is a very cool idea and that if it were tweaked some it would be a great addition to a raid/6-man fight but this pet is terrible in a decent exp group.

I tested the new pet for a while in citadel and running /s 1 and trying to hold back the pet never got above 10% mana while we were moving along and only hit 50% mana when 1 member went afk for a minute while we sat there. Also, pet hold appears to stick the pet in a standing position which just makes it that much more annoying to use different hotkeys to keep it medding if it's low on mana. Maybe I am bad at filtering but not being able to see the pet damage without turning on other's spells is terrible too. I could see myself using this pet on boss fights as the dps and survivability are superior but overall I think its a terrible replacement for HB.

If you can ignore all the stat increases/dps/survivability arguments I think what happened here is I (and maybe everyone else?) ended up with a class that is less fun to play. AEing with HB was a lot of fun and I feel it was a very useful spell. Watching my pet run out of mana constantly in exp groups and having to make sure its sitting all the time because it gets up to follow and not having a convenient way to follow its damage is just not fun.

Final note: I understand this is an entirely new concept that probably needed some testing and I would love to see it tweaked but however you end up working out the spells (move refuge to murk, move murk to replace terris, move pet 2 to refuge??) please put HB back in the game.
I tried to put HB back, yell at slaariel.

I agree that the pet is conceptually worthless and I'm not gonna waste another second on it or anything else.
I tried to put HB back, yell at slaariel.

I agree that the pet is conceptually worthless and I'm not gonna waste another second on it or anything else.

I like the concept, though, I haven't had the opportunity to play around with it. Quick idea: make mana regen infinite and just scale the spell damage if need be. I like the concept and I would hate to see you give up.

Thank you for all your work!
I think the new pet thing is pretty nifty, sure it's probably a DPS downgrade compared to the loss of Hierophant's Breath but it seems like a nice sustained DPS boost compared to the relic pet. I haven't tried it out in groups or anything, but messed around with it a bit soloing and can see the appeal for using it over the normal pet (Not going to eat enrage, damage shields don't mess it's junk up, can avoid close AoEs, better survivability resulting in more sustained pet DPS). It seems like one of the big complaints from losing HB is that DPS (in groups AoE style) goes down, perhaps the pet's defensive mode can be changed to bring something to groups? For example, it could be given a few debuffs to work into it's rotation like scent of terris or mind wrack, sure it won't make necromancers the absolute best class to bring into groups but it should up the appeal a bit.
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Slaariel and/or others have taken charge of this stuff since they won't let me take out the pet. I think they were going to do something about giving Necros some AE power again but idk... My arguments don't seem to amount to much.
Slaariel and/or others have taken charge of this stuff since they won't let me take out the pet. I think they were going to do something about giving Necros some AE power again but idk... My arguments don't seem to amount to much.

Hmm, did they read my big post on page 2 or whatever? I hope so... I would like to see what they come up with anyway, the Necro is a cool class but its few glaring weaknesses always bugged me.

But while they are working on that, I can't help but wonder what you would come up with if you were motivated properly. You made that pet in like 3 weeks or something? As I said in previous rants, SoD doesn't even seem EQ based anymore, which I have mixed feelings about. But seeing as how its basically a law unto itself nowdays, why not do some crazy shit? Some master plan to push your code skills. Like making a whole new class or something. Or maybe something even more grand like bringing PVP to EQ like it always should have been and how people imagined it could be in 1999.

ie: Have some 'outlands' type zones which are PVP enabled and some leet rewards for those brave enough to go there. Maybe have it Guild vs Guild based and have some towns that can be captured by players and then held, which provides various benefits like a regular cash income and access to a dungeon under the town that only the owners of that town can visit. And any other group or guild or rag tag army can at any time try to take control of the town from whoever owns it.

Maybe get that Kimmy code monster person involved to help or something.
i like the idea of this pet but i need a reason to use it over relic pet with weapons, collar, silks.

runs out of mana very quick
mana regen is really really slow
recall pet doesnt interrupt casting.
its too much to control for too little benefit.(if i don't hit pet back off on every single mob it will blow its mana doting a mob thats at 1% life)

when i have this pet up, i feel like instead of having an actual pet i'm dragging along a low level that is always oom. and while oom can't even melee.

maybe it's meant to be situational and even how it is now there are rare times where it's better off using runic pet going oom then relic but i don't think that was the intention of this pet,
@ Zae: well, I was close.

@Tier: Well, if there is no room to allow the Zerk, why allow another new class. Maybe with 3.0 we can have 24 man raids, or a slightly more relaxed loot code, and allow both of this classes in.
@Tier: Well, if there is no room to allow the Zerk, why allow another new class. Maybe with 3.0 we can have 24 man raids, or a slightly more relaxed loot code, and allow both of this classes in.

Don't really want to get into it but arcane knight would have taken the place of berserker. As far as I can tell a 17th class would be unworkable in 3.0 (at the very least they could never have more than 5 max HP before items and buffs, which would be a bit hard to balance things around). Second, there's totally room for a 16th class right now in my opinion; they'd just take up a rogue/wizard spot in raids, which most raids seem to have 3 or 4 of already. Arcane knights would have filled the same big DPS role.

Anyway: necros.

In that case this new Necro pet is Soooo Boring, you should work on that!

I wanted to take it out and put things back the way they were, but slaariel and jumbers wouldn't let me. It's their problem now.
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