Freezes as in crashes and give you the crash message? Freezes as in crashes to desktop? freezes as in hang for a long time and doesnt recover? freezes as in it crashes to server select?

Please explain in greater detail.
getting booted to server select when zoning is a know problem though, happens to me all the time.
it freezes as in hangs forever and i have to close the program with ctrl+alt+delete. I dunno why but it's kinda annoying.
for how long does it hang? is it any zone?

you may not *have* to ctl-alt-delete because it will eventually go to server select and you are just impatient...
If that is the case it sounds like there is some lag in the connectiony ou have with the server. There is a nifty way to check using the tracert command in dos prompt, yet I cant recall the IP of the game server (don't think its the same as the website?).

Have you asked on the IRC channel?
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