Windows 8, CPU running at 100%


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all, making a comeback after hearing about EQMac.

Anyway, I have a new computer running windows 8. Any core I bind a window to gets maxed out. Tried EQW, doesn't help, tried EQPN, doesn't help, tried compatibility mode on eqgame for Win95 and XP SP3, doesn't help. (Edit: Also tried running without any of these, still same problem)

I mean, I could just suck it up, but it's a little concerning to me seeing as I can play plenty of new games on high settings and the computer runs calm, cool, and collected. But trying to pop up SoD it's like it's having a stroke.
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Is the EQPN you tried the one from our files page? Sound like it is client-version-specific.

Hopefully not about Windows 8 plugging/changing something related to whatever injection technique it uses...
Yep, I used the one on the SoD website

I've read that WinEQ doesn't work with SoD, is it possible the installation of that did something?

I have WinEQ 2.0 if that helps
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