I had started playing "live" again. Got a friend into it (pipn) and while we were playing in the lake of ill omen another rl friend (tidas) heard about sod from a google search. We decided to give it a try. I was reluctant cuz I just shelled out cash to activate two Live accounts. But regardless, I made a mage cuz we expected to just screw around for the night and I wanted a beefy yellow con mob for a pet to make noobery fun and easy. He made a druid because he could heal my pet and someday port us around. We leveled up to level 18 in Gfay and Fearstone. We didn't have the map pack and the plane of knowledge was missing somehow <gasp>!!! We wanted to make a journey to Blackburrow and get some cool everfrost and "Qeynos" quests. We could bind in the cities on the way there if we found someone with the bind affinity spell =). When we got off the boat from "Butcherblock Mountains" and stepped onto the docks in Freeport it was quiet......too quiet. "Where are all the people?" We peered out around the buildings and saw some skeletons. "The zoneline is right past em man. Just send your pet in and lets run by em." We made it to the zoneline. Unfortunately we found ALL of Freeport infested with these undead and our trip ended when we died in a never-ending train of skeletons. Good times. Great memories, I wish more people could enjoy this server, its been great fun since day one.