wats up w/bad user/pass?

ok i've d/led the .DLL file and yes it was:

Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine, v. 1.0.37

but now i'm not to sure were to put it?
Kestrel said:
ok i d/l that beta patcher and when i ran the program it said it was
missing the .DLL file mscoree.dll?

mscoree.dll appears to be related to the .NET Framework (which is a free download from Windows Updates). If you are running WinXP and have not installed the .NET Framework, do the following (can also check to see if you have it, if you don't see the option for it, you probably have it installed):

1) Open IE
2) Go to Tools -> Windows Updates
3) Click Yes to trust MS Content
4) Go to Windows XP Updates on the left hand side. .NET Framework should be an option.

Some background info:

The file mscoree.dll, contains program code used by the Microsoft .NET Framework when running programs ritten in the .NET programming language. If mscoree.dll is unavailable or stopped, and software installed on your computer that is written using .NET will no longer work.

So I also assume that the new patcher is written with .NET...
ok i found out were to put the file and now i got a new error

it says sumthing about a registry key and pointing to it's install location

What is the exact error message - it seems like there maybe more issues going on here.

And also, which file did you properly place (the patcher)?
The problem is simply this, you're injecting and registering a Dynamic Link Library (.DLL) file without installing the Framework. You need to runt he .NET Framework installation package, version 1.1 or later so it can install the host of Framework DLL files and any excecutables the framework requires, the installer will make the neccessary registry entries.

.NET Framework is not something you can rig to accept your files, it needs to be installed.
Please set registry key HKLM/Software/Microsoft/.NETFramework/Installroot to point to the .NET Framework install location

that's the whole error
That would definately be my suggestion as it seems you do not have the .NET Framework installed.
i would like to thank everyone in advanced that helped me even a little....the next time i post it will either be a success or more problems (hopefully not) but seeing as this d/l will take quite awhile...i thought i'd say thanks now

Thanks All !
No problem. Just so long as you have the 1.1 .Net framework installed, the wrpatcher.exe should do the job for you.

Hats off and good luck to ya.
Kestrel said:
i would like to thank everyone in advanced that helped me even a little....the next time i post it will either be a success or more problems (hopefully not) but seeing as this d/l will take quite awhile...i thought i'd say thanks now

Thanks All !

Hopefully it goes through for you without a problem. If not - well, we'll figure out how to get you in game yet :)
just like to tell everyone that last night i came home at 1am and found the .NET d/l and the WR patcher program finished and now it works and it let me create a character

and again

Thank to everyone that helped me
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