wats up w/bad user/pass?


Dalayan Beginner
and b4 anyone ask yes i've been looking at the the post about the bad user name and/or password posts. I have created an account with the Server and i filled out the info and it says it was sending an e-mail to the address i gave it and i never received one is that a problem?
Are you sure you typed it correctly?

Are you using any kind of spam filtering? I know that a lot of registration type e-mails get blocked by most spam filters (not sure if my yahoo was blocked).

I would make sure that you have your spam filter set to allow @wintersroar.com or check you bulk/spam box.
actually i did check the junk e-mail box on my hotmail (which was the one i registered) and still didn't find it....then i was thinking after u said spam blocker that i do have one and i'll fiddle with it, and another thing did i need a referal during the registration?
No, you do not need a referral account.

That is an optional field in case were directed to WR by a friend.
and another thing would a firewall have anything to do with it and why do they need an e-mail address? is it like for verifacation reasons...
Firewall could have something to do with it depending on what ports you are blocking. But if you are using hotmail online it should not be an issue since that is not using your firewall.

Also, how do you have hotmail configured? If you empty bulk or trash on exit that could be why it is no longer there. Or if you have bulk instantly deleted...
It doesn't send you an email when you register your WR account. It just saves the username and password and you should be able to log in as soon as you register.
uhh i'm not sure about the bulk e-mail but the folder junk e-mail i have that set to delete messages un-answered after 5 days and i've only been registered for 4 days (on WR) so i don't think that's the problem
And I would add to that - Are you sure of capitalization (perhaps you had CAPs on when submitting the password on accident)?
the login or the e-mail

login : yes i am positive

e-mail : i've had it for 5 years i'm pretty sure i got it right
no i don't think CAPs is an issue i just bought this keyboard 1 week ago and i made sure that all the info was in lowercase (so that i had thought i wouldn't have this problem)
Is your eqhosts.txt file pointing at the wr login servers? Have you patched and such?
my eqhost.txt reads as such:


i'm not sure if that right or not but that's wat it says

and as for the patching i've updated to date with Live and ran the WRFix in my eq folder.

i then used the WRpatcher and d/led the 85 file(s) that needed updating
[Registration Servers]
[Login Servers]

That is a copy and paste from the eqhost file I have saved.
are you suggesting that i copy/paste that


ur just giving me an example of wat it should looks like?
I would think that is what it should look like. What you might want to do is make sure that you have EQ/WR properly installed and that you are running the correct patcher program.

I just downloaded the WR Patcher Files (that has all the files up to the latest patch), and the eqhost file they have in that download matches what I have. It sounds to me like something is not properly setup or you are not running the proper patcher program.
Here's a few quick questions for you...

A.> Are you using the new beta patcher for WR? http://www.wintersroar.com/patcher/release.rar

B.> Have you installed the hot-fix AFTER patching on EQLive first?

The eqhosts.txt file you have right now appears to point to eqlive... Make sure you follow the install instructions of WR carefully..

1. Install your Everquest CD's.
2. Patch on EQLive.
3. Install the WR Hotfix.
4. Download the Beta patcher from the listed address above.
5. Run the beta patcher and then attempt to logon.
ok i d/l that beta patcher and when i ran the program it said it was
missing the .DLL file mscoree.dll?
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