Very Poor FPS Issue


Dalayan Beginner
Hi friends.

It's been a weird day for crashes and bugs, most notably an inexcusable poor framerate.

I've dual boxed in the past with too high FPS; however, since my Win 10 upgrade, I can hardly walk around town (Grobb) without my screen stuttering. I thought, perhaps, I needed to create a profile for the game via my nvidia program. I added eqgame.exe (although everquest.exe was requested yet I don't seem to have it).

The only way I can play is via EQ:W. If I play without it, I get a crash which says "system_lock: Bilt failed!" I installed EQ:pN although it doesn't seem to do a thing. I normally can dual box with both screens at maximum graphics/resolution; here, however, I'm even at a lower resolution with unplayable FPS.

SoD is currently unplayable via dual boxing and hardly stable with a single client.

Any ideas?

(I recently played DB's EQ1 progression servers with no issue in case this is important.)
if i had to guess, i'd guess the video card is dying.
is there other games you can play and see how they perform for a comparison?
(maybe the eq1 progression server again)

not sure if you have the means, if not maybe a computer nerd friend that can loan you a spare video card for testing purposes.
or if you have an onboard video card, pull out your video card and work only with that. to see how it goes.
I can play other modern games at respectable framerates (Grim Dawn or ESO at ~30 FPS depending on graphic settings, notably around "high" or "highest").

I'll try messing with my graphic cards/drivers and see what I come up with. :)
I've had this happen on newer machines with Nvidia Optimus crap. Basically it was using the shitty Intel card rather than the Nvidia card. If you have a similar configuration, it's worth checking that out, it seems a definite possibility.
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