Updated SoD related websites - Must have list

Noobie here. I'm looking at downloading and using one of the parser programs. Any major differences between the different ones I should know about? The only one I could find documentation on was EQCompanion.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Quick question regarding the Necromancers realm..

Wondering if it's still around somewhere, the link doesn't work from this thread. The last post about it was made sometime in 2008 before I even started playing SoD so I'm not liking the chances but it can't hurt to ask.

how come when the severs go down there is no reason as to why or how long the servers are going to be down and when they will be up again?
how come when the severs go down there is no reason as to why or how long the servers are going to be down and when they will be up again?
Server being down today is because it crashed, thats all. Also, there will never be eta's as to when its going to be up again and if you want to stay informed -> IRC!
As per that bright blue message, the appropriate place to get information if the server is down is the #sod IRC channel.

If there's no information there (in the topic or in response to people asking in that channel), then that means that either no staff is aware the server is down (really rare), there was an announced short downtime/reboot/quick-patch (common), or someone on staff did something bad and is fixing it really quick before bringing the server back up and pretending nothing happened (less common).
Updated List Bump

So just a minor bump from a newb letting y'all know that only two of the UI links in the original post are working. =) Thanks to the folks who are finagling these UI's for Dalaya.
sars ui

anyone got a copy of Sars Caster UI - Hosted by Xardon they can throw a link up to plz?
only version i can seem to find online is the new House of Thule version which i dont really like

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