"Unable to load world" error, lost character?


Dalayan Beginner
Last night I was doing some exploring with my level 21 Monk, "Valdore" and found a portal to Haven. I activated it and my game crashed while trying to load the level, giving me the error message seen in the screenshot below.

I then cannot continue with this character because he's 'in' a zone thegame tells me I don't have. I'm fully patched/updated/etc, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Does anyone have any clues? I'd like to continue this character (and not have to worry about what zones I can and can't go to).
At the very least, is it even possible for a gm or someone to 'move' my character to Newport or something??

Thanks, feldron, but...
I seem to have the map in my map file folder just fine. (In fact there are two, a regualr and an "_1".)
It seems the entire zone itself is not found in my directory? Is there somewhere I can just find the 'zone' for download?
I don't believe it is the map files causeing the issue but the actual zone files .. c:\....\everquest\_______ vs. c:\......\everquest\maps\______

try deleting the shadowhaven files in the everquest dir and then repatch live and of course then sod.
I have this problem with nurga and first ruins.
Now im not a newb to the whole eq patcher i know how to run full scans and have all options checked, but i cant get those zone files.
I have done a full reinstall too.


i need both those zones for quests too :(

everquest tech support says to delete the map files and then reupdate

remember to select which expansions to update as well the file you need is in an expansion

then reinstall winters roar

that worked for me it should work for you
Thank you Zoban and feldron. Your advice to dlete and re-patch has done the trick quite nicely, and I'm back in buisness. Very muchly appreciated.
vykarsis, deleting your files and re-patching might very well be just the answer you need, too.

Again, my thanks.
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