Trouble with Windows 7 EQTitanium Install


Dalayan Beginner
I have run into a wall trying to install EQ Titanium on my wife's HP with Windows 7. When I insert the the first CD it at asks if I want to run the exe file and then after clicking yes on a couple of are you sure you want to do this type windows, it starts the install shield but then in about 2 seconds it tells me install error or something like that. We have tried shutting off all background programs, etc, but the wizard shuts down before the install disk even runs. Anybody have any ideas or instructions on how to get this install done on Windows 7? After 10 years of dial up we just got DSL and were hoping our family of four could now SoD together but we need to get this install done for all 4 of us to get on. Really appreciate any help. Thanks tons for any ideas or specific directions.
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I've installed on Windows 7 half a dozen times with no problems, but I always use an admin account (no "are you sure you want to do that" windows) so my first suggestion would be to ignore the pop-up and open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the disc, right click on setup.exe and run as administrator.

It is also possible its an issue with your disc not your OS - hard to tell without the actual error message. You might have better luck ripping your discs to the harddrive as ISOs and running them from a virtual drive. But before going through all trouble, how about trying the other suggestion and if it doesn't help, writing down the error message and sharing it with us?
Hi Hengest

Do you have an antivirus installed?

I tried installing something a little while ago and it was driving me insane...finally figured it out and i basically had to make sure Avast was set to Disable while it installed.

I would try checking that and see, failing that, do what Rari said and make them into ISO's and try it that way.
After 10 years of dial up we just got DSL and were hoping our family of four could now SoD together ...

That is awesome! Color me jealous.

Reading the rest of your post, it kinda sorta halfway implies that at least one of you have played EQ in the past. If the computer that you originally played EQ on still exists, you could possible just copy the installation directory to a thumbdrive and move it to your Win7 machine. No need to worry about the registry entries. From there run the patcher and let it do its thing.
Thanks all for your suggestions, never did figure out what the problem was, but I think it is some program my wife uses other than av. Basically I did what Jules said and moved my game folder onto her computer and worked fine. I do appreciate the suggestions though, and the four of us had agreat time, although I don't think my 6 and 8 year old are ready for raids yet.
Just for prosperity sake, with Installshield issues you might try cleaning out your temp folders and retry installing. I've encountered all sorts of funky Installshield issues when temp folder is bloated.
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