trouble with patcher


Dalayan Beginner
i've been trying to use the patcher but it dosen't seem to be connecting to the server, it freezes at getting patch list. i can't figure out why my main computer cannot connect. my laptop and my girlfriends computer work fine. i haven't made any changes to my system since the last time i played so i'm really confused about all this. can anyone help?
i've tried to repatch everything but still no luck. casn someone please explain how to run the game without the pacther? i downloaded the files from the website to run game without the patcher but everytime i run eq.exe i end up on sony's server. what am i doing wrong?
ok i'm about to pull out all my hair trying to figure this out! nothing i've done has helped, i've repatched from sony, "i've repatched all" from the sod patcher, i've shut down all my processes (down to 15 running), and still can't get on, patcher still freezes at the "getting patch list". Dosen't anyone have an idea why this is happeing? the last time i played was last friday night and i didn't have any problems. HELP ME PLEASE ;(

Hey Kugler Have you Tried Deleting the Files.txt in the EQ directory your running out of and then hitting repatch all in advanced and then patch and run? That seems to help whne Mine freezes
One more thing you might want to check are your computer's proxy settings under Internet Explorer. I had a proxy-based adblocker running and it interfered with my patching until I turned it off. I'm not sure what technique Norton uses for its services but the patcher obviously doesn't like anything coming between it and the patch server.

I also have both the v1.1 and v2.0 .NET frameworks installed. Good luck and I hope you can get the patcher working.
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