"The War" and New Players

(In reference to the "these threads popup occasionnally" and iaeolan's referenced post.)

Then, I request this topic be closed and a sticky created by administration/development, similar to the "List of things that are not going to happen" post in the Suggestions & Requests section of this forum.

If a sticky is created, stating that there (apparently) are not any plans to implement any idea for low level players to help in the War event (since even an administrator's request has gone undeveloped in the game), simply state as such. This will keep new players from thinking of good ideas of ways they can help, posting them, and then being told "hit 65 if you want to help....this is a previously discussed issue."

<My last post in this topic.>
You know what really gets to me with these type of threads? It makes it appear that the GMs don't give a shit about the "little people" I personally know that the GM that put on the war for the MAJORITY of the server to enjoy, did so for more than TEN (10) HOURS of his own personal time..... that he doesn't get paid for..... shit during my raid I had to yell at him in vent at least once or twice because he was on his GM char making sure the war was going smoothly.

So next time please don't get all pissy and make it look like the GMs aren't working thier ass off for the SoD community.

You cry that oh I can't participate. it just like the law you American's (assuming your american) have that you can't drink below the age of 21, well everyone before you had to wait until they were "of age" before they can.... So hey guess what, get to the appropriate level that you can participate at, OR make friends that are willing to spot you in a grp during the times of war. I know Cilulizi/Zorcid was 2 boxing part of the war by himself but allowed some lowbies to join his grp and loot what ever they wanted loot wise cause he doesn't need jack off of war mobs. And I was screaming at him to cut the war crap out cause I was forming up my raid at the time.

I say hats off to the GMs, they don't have to put in any GM events at all, but yet they bring to you things like:

The War
Easter Events
The Lotto
Halloween Events
X-Mas Events (Santa Troll has some fantastic shit OK)
Newbie Races (Ya'll need to do some more please)
etc... etc... etc...

Thats a fuck ton more stuff than I remembered from Live and what SoD staff tells everyone: If you have an idea for an event detail it and if it feasable hey they might do it.... so guess what your job should be since your dissatisfied....
Newbie Races (Ya'll need to do some more please)
etc... etc... etc...

Those were mine. You'll have to convince someone else to carry on the torch.

Also you forgot to mention Archery/Throwing contests, dice of misfortune, PVP events, and random one time things like snowball fights. All of which can be enjoyed by people of all levels.

The fact that not every facet of the game can be enjoyed by every person of every level is a part of the game. The op doesnt seem to have a real good handle on what he's talking about anyway though, most to all of his information being either received from a friend, or experienced in his little bubble of persecution. Im reminded of all the other forum posters that know how things should work here with minimal experience, and are morally outraged that they dont function as wished, and people dont jump to agree with them. The snide comments probably arent winning you any sympathy points either.
iaeolan said:
Once again flawed. Conscription with little training is a product of gunpowder and the little training required to point and shoot. Rag-tag militias before the advent of gunpowder were just that, rag-tag that amounted to buffer fodder for real soldiers.

I think this is kinda a moot point... or at least, not the important point... So let's not continue barking at eachother about it, yeah? :)

And THERE IS something for lower levels to do as already stated!

If someone would tell me in detail about these tasks, I'll very happily put together a page for the wiki/a forum post, so that new players have a better idea about what options they have available to them. ... To perhaps prevent further threads like this saying that there is nothing for lowbies to do from poping in the future.

The problem lies in the fact that lower levels can not relieve themselves of the nasty ol' war by themselves! No matter what tasks are scripted for lower levels there will still be those whom claim there is not enough they can do and they feel slighted. The only way this will be satisfied is to either allow some way for lower level players to fight off the war or for comparable xp and loot rewards be granted via the war. Both of these are not happening for the reason already stated that the war is meant to be an inconvenience for everyone on the server.

*shrugs* Some people will always be upset about not being able to duel peopel 10 levels higher and win, or be grumpy about not being able to solo reds, or so on and so forth.

Personally, I don't even need to make a difference so much... nor do I want uber loot, or phat XP. Just something to do, that makes me feel a bit more like a part of the world. Next time the event happens, I will have to look into the scripted events for low levels. :)

BUt no, you can't please all the people all the time... but, these low level events do need to be a little morepopularized, I think...

Minerz - Whoa... calm down.

Please go back and look at the first post in this thread again. The OP was coming up with SUGGESTIONS on ways to add to the game. there was minimal complaining, just offering ideas about how to make things a bit more awesome in the game. In no way was the original post saying "OMG THIS SUCKS, I"MMA GONNA QUIT IF YOU DON'T IMPLEMENT MY IDEAS RIGHT NOW!!!!" ... The poster got more defensive as other people came in and started telling him, essentially "deal with it", and as the OP was being given second hand information about ingame happenings... By a person who was, perhaps, trying to get involved in a place that was inappropriate for his level, and perhaps by someone who was being a bit more harsh then need be. Who knows. But all this post initially started with was "I have an idea".

Not "the GMS SUCK!"
Not "I hate this game"
Not "I hate this event"
Not "the GMs are lazy."

Just "I have some ideas for ways to improve this."

Personally? I know GMing is a rough task. I dont' doubt for an instant that the GMs are working hard for our enjoyment.


there's NOTHING wrong with coming up with suggestions. A suggestion in no way suggests the GMs are being lazy...honestly.

So, please, calm down a bit.

You cry that oh I can't participate. it just like the law you American's (assuming your american) have that you can't drink below the age of 21, well everyone before you had to wait until they were "of age" before they can.... hey guess what, get to the appropriate level that you can participate at,

Sir, that is quite uncalled for. o_O as I said, calm down a bit.

But to take your example.. The adults are sittign around drinking--no one expects the kids to sit there silently or take a nap the whole time. They, typically, have some sort of game, or movie, or something to keep them occupied. :p

OR make friends that are willing to spot you in a grp during the times of war.

That's part of the whole 'new player on the server' thing. I have no doubt that my high level friends will spot me into a group if they're online. jsut for now, I only have a few of them because, hey, I'm level 20. How often do I get to make friends with level 65s?

I say hats off to the GMs, they don't have to put in any GM events at all, but yet they bring to you things like:

I agree: hat's off! Excellent job across the board. No one's disputing that fact.

what SoD staff tells everyone: If you have an idea for an event detail it and if it feasable hey they might do it.... so guess what your job should be since your dissatisfied....

So.. let me see if I understand this: if you have an idea for an event, detail it and if it's feasable, they might do it.

Simple. straightforward. Easy to understand.

So... Basically.. I have this IDEA.. for an addition to an EVENT... I've come up with a few DETAILS for fleshing it out. ... .... We've done that. So why's everyone getting on our case for doing.. exactly what you just said?

Renshu said:
So this is the best part of the dude's post

Not all of us can be logged in all day. As I gleaned from Terr's prior posts, he works a 8-5 job, and. presumably, was at work when his non-8to5 friend called him...

Honestly, all this kinda makes me hesitate to post anything about any ideas *I* have for fear of being attacked (and yeah.. you guys ARE attacking him...if only partly defensively) and disregarded.
As was touched upon before in this thread: Being low level is a temporary situation for most, by time the next war event rolls around many of you will be high enough to take part on an equal footing.

While it may seem rude to ask lower level people to leave the zone it's only a pragmatic request due to increased lag and chance of zone crashes.

As far as lower level oriented things, there is not a stable enough population of lower level players within certain level ranges so anything beyond the most mundane of tasks would still fall on the shoulders of the level 65s in the end. Even if you could run supplies (or what have you) to the defending army there would still be an unsatisfied element wanting a larger part. I know it seems very unfair at the moment but you won't be level 13 forever and you need to approach this issue from that perspective.
I like the ideas mentioned here.

1) low levels being able to do solo messenger missions.
2) NPCs that offer these quests can offer a long duration invis/invis vs undead and can instruct 'not to dawdle, this is urgent' <interacting with others will remove invis>
3) solo messenger missions offer some kind of a minor resist buff or something to the raid groups actively engaged in the war effort. It doesnt have to matter much, just enough so we raiders might turn and say, "Oh, you did the <insert quest name here> to give us better resists (or whatever) during the war effort? Thanks, young adventurer :D"
4) mentioned not needing uber lewt or loads of cash for doing these little messenger quests, but maybe just a hair of xp and the satisfaction of knowing you helped.

I can see that both sides of this conversation were feeling as though they had been attacked in some way, and had gone on the defensive. For the record, I have characters at high enough skill to participate already. I also have characters that are lower, and characters that are in the newbie guild (DB 4 LIFE), so I have noticed the brand new players saying, "what's the war going on? Can I help? What do I do?" Actually, I remember wishing I could help as well when I was new (yes I know there ARE ways to participate, as has been mentioned)

To those wishing they could help:
1)Keep working to 65, it isn't as far off as it seems :D and
2)Keep working on these ideas, come with more details and specifics, and I will cast my vote in to add more quests for lowies in Dalaya.
Obviously the low levels have never visited Valley of Erimal (on the way to FR, etc., not the part that you have to be keyed to get into). There are already rewards for low levels turning in weapons, etc., from the war.

I guess I'm still a noob, my main char is only level 46 now. However, I read the wiki looking for quests, finding information, etc. I have also been to the Valley of Erimal.

However, nowhere in the wiki or on these forums or in the game have I see mention of a weapon turn-in quest until this post. The proper thing is to let people know of things you know, not berate them for not knowing. Why has no one ever updated the wiki?

I guess I'll have to make a trip to Erimal and find this alleged quest and update the wiki if and when I find it.
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