The unused shaman spell: Fury of the North

Kirin, that's just one of the many comparisons being drawn.

- The original post is comparing druid/shaman highest level nukes (Flame strike vs. fury of the north. Not clear why this single dimension comparison can be drawn in any way, but hey.
- Various other posts about about Fast killing situations (i.e. where DoTs can't tick enough times to be worthwhile), where the comparison to torrent is again relevant
- The other issue is shaman lack of spell damage options on poison immune mobs. That would appear to be a revent balance issue. It has also existed a loooong time for the Shaman class (and relevant is to Beastlords too, as they never get a final nuke upgrade post 60)

So, 2 out of 3 on relevance ain't bad! (and that's without factoring in sustained mana regen rates between classes being compared...)
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