It's actually going to be a bit before I can get in game to add the dialog. So I'll post them here. I'm missing one, but I can't quite recall off hand where it is anyway. Have fun with that one. This post will be deleted once they are in game though.
Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia is startled when you speak. 'Sorry soandso... I have alot on my mind. How goes the journal hunt?'
[D1]Uhmm... I kind of lost the journal bindings you gave me...
[D2]Searching this much area for scraps of paper is one of the worst things I've ever done. Throw me a bone woman!
soandso says, 'Searching this much area for scraps of paper is one of the worst things I've ever done. Throw me a bone woman!'
Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia says, 'Well you just had to ask... no need to be rude about it. And my name is Nia, not woman. I have a few divination spells that may be of use...'
[D1]Well cast away.
Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia says, (one of the following at random just to be annoying)
I'm seeing bug things... a bunch of them... eww.
It's very wet and dark. Stone is above and below.
I.. I think I'm bouncing around with a... fish?
I'm lodged on something, rushing water passing over me constantly
I'm wet again, but there is wood encircling me as well
I'm on the middle of some sort of small island. And I see trees
I'm surrounded by darkness moving around, with some mushrooms
I see... a tadpole? I swear I see a tadpole...
I'm moving up and down, around in some sort of military like fashion