The Fae in Shadowdale

Anti Eh

Dalayan Elder
Hello, I was wondering if it might be possible for the Named Fae to do a zone emote when they are
attackable / not going to be invul if u try to engage them.

Atm few friends and I have been messing around with this 6man, and almost every time we try
to engage a named he is invul still.

Here is what we are doing for example: we want to kill the Queen of the Fae.
We kill 25 a Fae artists, and figure that has to be enough since it takes 5min to find anymore after that.
Go to engage the Queen, and shes still invul =/
or was invul but then become vulunable but then we ran out of time / killed to many fae artists extra and become invul again?

Either way, at least 6ish of our fae adventures seemed to end with clearing 20+ trash and still not being able to attack the named. A few times we sent someone to test the named to see if it could be attacked yet, and it Could be .. Yay.. but then after that person died from testing. the named was back to invul ..

Are we just missing something or could some of these encounters be a bit buged?

Either way, curious if a Better Emote could be put in or Forum clarification could be made on how to properly engage this content. thank you.
They aren't bugged and there is an emote.

If you try to aggro them from the floor they will however break.
queen of the fae is very susceptible to bugging out in a similar way to melamor etc if the primary target feigns/dies/becomes unhittable while the boss is blinked out. for this reason i don't suggest "checking" if the mob is engagable by running in to it. basically resetting the mob (running out of range, wiping, etc) has a real high chance of bugging the mob out and you will need a gm to reset it.

there are emotes from killing the trash and odds are you can figure it out.
[Fri Dec 30 20:17:32 2011] The trees groan...

im assuming that is the emote we missed.
and since we didnt goto boss then he turned back invul as a result of expiring the invis timer.

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