Telvash - Statue Quest


Dalayan Beginner
So..I've been searching for a while, but have yet to find any information on a quest...
Telvash, in EW gives a quest.

From what I remember last night, she wants me to get some explosives and "something else"...which is fine since I'm fairly certain I figured all that out...

But what is sorta annoying is she told me to take out 3 information as to where they could be...and I can't even talk with her again.

Now that I have spoken to her once, she juts says: Don't return to me unless you carry the statue nameplates.

There is no entry in my journal either...and I didn't expect to zone crash upon leaving the I do'nt have all of the quest text anymore even...=\

I know most peopl raid and kill her, but I'm actually working on faction with dragons. :D

Anybody have any information about this quest? Couldn't find anything on the forums.
So, I checked Stormkeep, and I was only able to find two of the tribute statues...anybody able to help please? :D

The one I need is the tribute of Coralsha...I haven't been able to find it =\
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I just found this quest and reformatted it earlier last night. I'm not sure if this will help. Almost sure it won't:'s_Request

Unfortunately, the article is FULL of holes. If anyone wants to help fill them, go for it. If you're not sure how, I'm usually in #sod or you can just leave the infos on that article's talk page and I can work them into the article itself. kthx.
Coralsha is the name of the family of giants in the back of the arena in stormkeep, if I recall correctly. I'd recomend checking the house back there.
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