Tears of Elael.


Dalayan Elder
So I'm returning to SoD after a long break, and there are a lot of changes, many good, some bad.

One change that I really dislike, and makes me want to quit again, is the undead tunnels in remnants being heavily nerfed on spawn time. I guess there is good reason for this change, I guess it was a "to good" way to farm a lot of plats, fair enough.
But with this change, what I think was suppose to be a "minor" challenge, is now a Huge time sink; getting the quest piece for the Tears of Elael quest.
I have logged 10+ hours down there already, and I haven't even seen a named yet. I'm told that when/if I finally do get a named, its not even a sure drop.

Is this part really suppose to be such a time sink? Isn't there a way this could be soften a bit, please.

Thanks for your time.
Yeah they changed that just about the time you went on break, I got hit by it as well, was a total bitch. the vast majority of the times the white cons will drop it, but even the blue guys can as well. WB btw:)

Yeah they changed that just about the time you went on break, I got hit by it as well, was a total bitch. the vast majority of the times the white cons will drop it, but even the blue guys can as well. WB btw:)


Oh, the blue con's can drop it as well? I guess that is up the alley of what I was asking for.
Thanks and thanks :)
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