Tarhansar, EB deity neck please.


Dalayan Beginner
I'd like to request the the Tarhansar deity neck get Enduring breath effect.

Figured that my Cat who likes fish (yum) and wants to help keep the seas clean from pollution with his roguish skills would get along nice with a fish dude who likes to use a big spear. I thought, hmmm... maybe there is a quest that I can get a big awesome spear. So the new pledged cat warps in and realized that this new fun filled area is void of a basic necesity of feline existence. Air.

if you hail the water elemental at the (port) zone in it will ask if you wish to swim and buff you with EB. i cant recall where neck ports you in atm. but otherwise still a good idea
I always thought there should be a dropped items from the zone with a clickie or worn EB (other than the 1 charge things that do drop). Maybe it would be cool to add some EB clickies to a couple of the items that drop there.
if you hail the water elemental at the (port) zone in it will ask if you wish to swim and buff you with EB. i cant recall where neck ports you in atm. but otherwise still a good idea

If I'm remembering right, it drops you near the Prophet of Tarhansar, a fair swim away from any air. And pretty much impossible if you don't have maxed swimming and/or don't know where you're going. It might be easier to just change it so it drops you in the air bubble instead. And frankly I never could figure out why it didn't.
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