

Dalayan Beginner
Syndicate, a newly formed relaxed progression style guild is now recruiting all classes from level 20+. We expect to hold various weekly events, begin light raiding and events once a solid guildbase is established and eventually begin working on tier progression raids in the future.

Contact any member in game and they will point you in the direction of our recruitment team.

Thanks, and hope to see you in world.

Just have to say, this guild is quite fun. The laid back atmosphere is perfect for new players, and anyone interested in having fun who isn't looking for a currently strong raiding guild. We have members working in most every level range, from noobs and lowbies up to 60+ members.

Various events are somewhat regular, mostly get togethers to get us all in one place, and to hopefully garner attention to the guild in hopes of recruiting further members, but fun none the less. We are planning a duelign event and a drunken romp thru Kelethin in the near future for instance.

So if your interested in a guild with more of a laid back atmosphere, where everyone tries to help each other out, look us up. We aren't a strong raid force, but we have plenty of fun, and everyone I have met so far have been good guys/gals.
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