Swimming won't level


Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys. Have a problem here. I'm a new Iksar starting out in Stinger's Bog & can't seem to level swimming at all. I spent about 8 hours the other day playing in that zone (lots of swimming involved), even tried to swim for a long time period under water like some people say to do (although wiki states this isn't necessary) and for the life of me I can't even gain one level. I can level it with a guildmaster, I leveled it from 0 to 1 just in case. I searched the forum and was unable to find a similar issue. Any ideas on what this might be?

Ok, here's an update: I went to Newport Sewers, and now my Swimming will level. Maybe it's just a bug in the Bog with Swimming. Not too sure. Haven't tried swimming in the Bog again yet, but I'm just happy my whole skill isn't bugged.
I reread your post. Swimming can be buggy. Like you can walk through MoP and get a +skill on it. The bog is pretty shallow and may bug out on the above/below water thing. Also, I've seen some posts that say AFK swimming lvling is not allowed.
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It's hard to level swimming in 6 inches of water. Start swimming underwater in something deeper than a Gnome.
I know you may get some dumb people here but I assure you there are several areas in the Bog where the water is reasonably deep to be fully submerged several times over: and this is where I tested my swimming. Also to Renshu I never said I was AFK swimming, I'm talking about regular at the keyboard swimming.

I'm not too concerned about it anymore since I'll just level it somewhere else. Just thought I would let the powers at be know there may be a bug there. Not sure if it's just me or everyone.
Well it was certainly deeper than the corridors in Newport Sewers, from which I am able to level swimming. Unless the devs intended to not level swimming in Stinger's Bog then it still seems like a bug to me. Doesn't bother me really anymore, already far from that place anyway.
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