Stuck on character creation

What is odd about this is that I put the hotfix into my EQ dir and it worked fine. I think some of the Instructions even say put it into your EQ dir and not your /help folder. After reading another set of instructions on the topic they said to put it into /help. Not sure why it works on some comps one way and diffrently on others. However, maybe this will help others who are having the same issue and prevent problems from accuring again.
well, just to point this out. maybe read deho's post before urs? it states how all you have to do is put all of it to go into eq folder and it will put the files in the proper folders. he also mentioned how the help file needs to go in the help folder. which happened to be the problem.

just thought id mention how reading his post there woulda made things a lil... easier.
Edge, i'm sure it worked for you because in inadvertently did it correctly. i'm quite sure it wouldn't have worked otherwise.

when it comes to patching software manually (cuz we're all so used to the auto-downloaders / patchers in today's world) it pays to be familiar with the way a program organizes itself. Sometime just for fun take a look at the different folders under the main Everquest folder. Explore into them to see what's inside of them. Don't necessarily mess with anything, but it'll give you a little knowledge of how to fix things when they break, or how to install custom stuff. In this case you'll notice that the hotfix extracts 2 folders. Looking at the contents of the main Everquest folder you will see that those same 2 folders already exist (along with others, of course). You'll also notice that the files inside the 2 hotfix folders also already exist inside the folders inside the main Everquest folder. (lost yet?) Thus, when you cut/copy and paste you are replacing the old with the new....also known as updating.

and i'm spent.
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