Steam $2.50 EQ Download

This is the same exact question I came here to ask. I lost my CD a while ago, and if I could buy EQ again for $2.50 I would definitely start playing again!

Anyone have information regarding using the Steam version for SoD?

Durok - any luck? Please keep us updated!
Update: I received an "unexpected error" at checkout, the download did not execute, and was advised to contact Steam Support.
I did try it..bought it, downloaded it, ran the SoD patcher but when launching the executable it still wants to go to ****'s server and says that I need a subscription. Something isn't in sync. I didn't give this a high probability for working, but after having spent years with EQ from the time it first started until just two expansions ago, I thought this would be the easiest way to get my EQ fix.

Perhaps someone with a bit more insight into how to get this to work might happen by?
Last time I had that issue when installing on a new comp, it was an issue with my eqhost file.

Make sure yours matches the one in the Technical Support FAQ
I did try it..bought it, downloaded it, ran the SoD patcher but when launching the executable it still wants to go to ****'s server and says that I need a subscription. Something isn't in sync. I didn't give this a high probability for working, but after having spent years with EQ from the time it first started until just two expansions ago, I thought this would be the easiest way to get my EQ fix.

Perhaps someone with a bit more insight into how to get this to work might happen by?

Make sure your sod patcher is running the correct .exe; you may be running the sod patcher and then telling it to run the normal patcher over the top of it, which would result in exactly what you're describing.
Make sure your sod patcher is running the correct .exe; you may be running the sod patcher and then telling it to run the normal patcher over the top of it, which would result in exactly what you're describing.
I checked the eqhost file, and even though it had the same data as described in the post above, replacing it with the text in the post corrected that specific issue. Now on to the next prob...

Thanks for the quick replies!
Well the next few problems was able to reading posts in this forum. The last problem I have not been able to correct as yet and that is when I am at the character select screen or after I enter the world the character is very jerky. It isn't like it is a framerate issue though, it is something else. It looks like he is having a seizure. When I entered the dream, the guide was bent over almost double. Running a somewhat recent dual core laptop with 2GB ram and a fair grapics card, so don't think it is performance related. Am using Win 7 and have tried various compatibilty settings and have also tried using the latest video driver and a couple of drivers that were older. Still fiddling with different things..
Well the next few problems was able to reading posts in this forum. The last problem I have not been able to correct as yet and that is when I am at the character select screen or after I enter the world the character is very jerky. It isn't like it is a framerate issue though, it is something else. It looks like he is having a seizure. When I entered the dream, the guide was bent over almost double. Running a somewhat recent dual core laptop with 2GB ram and a fair grapics card, so don't think it is performance related. Am using Win 7 and have tried various compatibilty settings and have also tried using the latest video driver and a couple of drivers that were older. Still fiddling with different things..

Binding the .exe file to a single core on your processor should fix this. The patcher can do this for you!
Thanks again for the quick responses! Was finally able to get everything up and running rather well. I was so happy it was working, I was feeling giddy!

so just to be clear here - you were able to get the $2.50 Steam downloaded EQ to run SoD just fine? And you are in game and having a blast right?

Just checking, I just bought it so will have to try to get it working in a bit = )
pretty sure the SoD install is not compatiable with this server. However if it is I am amazed since eqemu is just now working on getting it ready for the emu project.
pretty sure the SoD install is not compatiable with this server. However if it is I am amazed since eqemu is just now working on getting it ready for the emu project.

Of course its not, thats why we have a patcher.

The SoD patcher will put the proper binaries & files that you need to run SoD on your system.
Yes. I paid for and downloaded the $2.50 EQ Steam app and am now able to log into SoD and run around and do whatever. It did take some amount of time to correct issues, but they may have been due to oddities with my laptop and Win7. Looks great (for an older version of EQ...) and it runs very well. To say I am excited about this is an understatement. I had played EQ for years and quit b/c of time/family/$. This at least takes the $ part out of the equation or at least partially.

Thanks to the crew for putting forth the effort and time for doing this. You have made one EQ fan pretty happy!
The topic of where to buy EQ comes up very frequently, maybe this link can be placed in the Tome of Knowledge or stickied in some way.
Yes. I paid for and downloaded the $2.50 EQ Steam app and am now able to log into SoD and run around and do whatever. It did take some amount of time to correct issues, but they may have been due to oddities with my laptop and Win7. Looks great (for an older version of EQ...) and it runs very well. To say I am excited about this is an understatement. I had played EQ for years and quit b/c of time/family/$. This at least takes the $ part out of the equation or at least partially.

Thanks to the crew for putting forth the effort and time for doing this. You have made one EQ fan pretty happy!

Don't forget to donate if you enjoy your experience... every bit helps... =p
so just to be clear here - you were able to get the $2.50 Steam downloaded EQ to run SoD just fine? And you are in game and having a blast right?

Just checking, I just bought it so will have to try to get it working in a bit = )

I can confirm this works. Here are the steps:

1. Purchase the game on Steam for $2.50 (as of this morning, deal is still on).
2. Download the game. I chose to install Secrets of Faedwyer. When I told it to DL Seeds afterwards it finished instantly, so I guess I downloads the whole thing regardless.
3. Download the sodpatcher from the main webpage and put it in an arbitrary directory. I chose C:\Program Files\SoD\
4. You may need to open ports on your router. If so, it would be 1024-6000 and 7000 for both TCP and UDP traffic.
5. When you open the patcher, set your ********* Directory path to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\*********\
6. If you have a multi-core processor, bind affinity to processor 1 or 2. This can help alleviate issues since the game was developed long before multi-core was around.
7. If you choose to use EQW to run in windowed mode, set your executable path to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\*********\eqgame.exe
NOTE: EQW didn't display quite right when I run the game @ full resoultion. Just a heads up.
8. Click "Patch and Run". A number of files will download. I assume that the updates will preclude this copy of the game from running on live servers.

Don't forget to register your game/forum account on the Shards of Dalaya page so you can log in. Note that you must register for a game account to get a forum account. This threw me for a loop since I tried to do it in the opposite order. Otherwise, you'll get a cryptic NoSpam! error if you try to register directly on the forum.

That should do it. I had no issues running from the Steam version and at $2.50, it is a bargain in comparison to any legal method of acquiring the game files.

If I missed anything, hopefully someone will jump in and correct me. =)
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