Spelling/Grammar/Language mishaps in Quests

Warden Koltab in Stinger's Bog

Warden Koltab in Stinger's Bog

After asking what he needs done, he says three lines, the third one is:

- [I wamt to stomp the leeches.]

Also, after giving him probably a stack of "Tattered Froglok Scraps", he won't take any more, and after asking again what he needs done, he still asks to crush frogloks and no longer talks about leeches.
Arcane Staff Quest

Del Jarels says, 'Hmm... so you have decided to strive towards your own Arcane Staff, apprentice? Good, that should prove a worthy test of your abilities. Listen then. The process for enchanting the channeling crystal is both simple and difficult. You must locate an encahnted crystal of sufficent power and allow your own crystal to resonate with it, taking some of its power to activate the purpose it was made for. Such a crystal is not easy to find, however. I have heard that the visionaries of the Darkmaw Gnolls keeps one for their own purposes, on a pedestal in one of the caverns, but I'm sure they wouldn't approve of you borrowing it. Perhaps a little persuation is in order?'

In text above, believe persuation should be persuasion.
A few quests effected

A few quests I've come across (the easiest way to handle this might be a search) have "noone" instead of "no one" - it's a small nit pick issue, but a nice polish to add to an already excellent set of quests.
In the Main Quest after saving Priestess Andrenia (sp) from the necro she sends you to find 3 people and talk to them. During this speech she says "a dijected centaur" this should be spelled "dejected".
In the Mainquest when you hail the Lorekeeper in Sea of Swords to get your second Augment she asks you for the "Name of the Capitol but means the Capital of Ikisith.

Confused me a little bit, would be nice if this could be changed for the ones that will come to have a more clear text :)
Zone: Erimal
/loc: 936.75, 471.19, -119.87
Target: Seeker Guard Granuld
when hailed responds with the following:
"Welcome to Erimal, soandso. I am Grandulf, of the Guards. ...."

minor spelling error is all.
A Look at Racial Histories, Life Before Kaezul:
Page 17, "Scholoars are divided on wheter"
Page 18, "Iksar ofr recent history"
Page 25, "they siezed"
Page 27, "a bloody group", should that be coup?
Page 27, "Sieze power"
Not really a quest, but lore related mistake:

In the book Elthannar Bloodlines, page 16 says "banishing his creator from the mansion.". It should be 'creation', not 'creator', as it was his kid.
not realy a quest but it is an npc text in newport above the Rog guild. Hail, a Citizin of newport. You say:What medthods of traval. and heres where it tells ya about the translocators thats recently been removed =) Vary minor i know sry was just foolin around and found it
I think there is an error in the script for the paladin starfall quest.
When speaking to the questgiver he lists items required for one of the starfall items (can't remember which). He lists 'an ancient runestone that sometimes drops in the wastes of tarhyl' if I remember correctly. Not sure if this is an error or not but I had no luck finding one so I turned in the 3 items I had and still received the item.
Not much of a quest, but if you hail a thurgadin ARCHER he glares and you and says "Why are you interrupting my pAst" not post like the guards :D
I wanted to post this last night while it was fresh in my head but now that i've had 10+ hours of sleep (Haven't had much sleep lately) I have semi-forgotten it.

But here it is, in heartlands, for the silvercrown, Sergeant Aleroth sends you to save an explorer expedition in the northern cave. You then talk to the guy in the cave, kill goblins and when you talk back to him, he says something like :
I'll see back at the camp
rather than
I'll see you back at the camp
I'm sorry I don't remember the NPC's name, maybe someone else can help, gl :)
Main Quest, Lady Shianna or whatever her name is after you hail her once you've done the trap thing... She says something like

"Don't be surprised you've eaerned it"

Should be earned.
Main Quest
Great Dryad in Heartland Plateau

You say, "Why are the Heartlands not corrupted?"

Samethia the Great Dryad says, "I really can not say for certain. When me and my daughters came to this place...."

It should be "When my daughters and I ..."
Tylazik Remains in Yaralith for shammy quest. Quest says to say [Who are the Tay'Yan?] - its supposed to be Tal'Yan. L instead of Y.
Now that i figured out the problem with my MQ i'm on part two. Sorry to waste your time.

On page 38 of "A look at racial history, life before kaezul" it says "not hope" twice at the top of the page. In the middle of the page it also says "worth of not". i think you meant worthy of note.
All fixed except Fooraide's explorer guy. Couldn't find the name.

Also, the item typos should go in a separate thread. I'll make one for future reference.
In the demonic monologue in the versikol event at the beggining, he uses the word "Traipsed" but spells it Trapsed.
when aggroed A frost giant praetor in EW says: "Lend your power to your servent, Shojar! Take this fool into your DEALTHY embrace!"
Zone: Dragonhorn Keep
NPC: Yziar
Quest: Ornate Draconic Armor

Yziar says, "Hrm... you of all, must know our forgers are capable of making Draconic Armor with the correct component. Draconic Armor, while powerful, is nothing compared to its Ornate counterpart, infused with the power of Exquisite Gems of Power. I can offer you such armor, if you but provide me the required componants - such Exquisite Gems of Power, three for a breastplate, two for a helmet, leggings, cloak or sleeves, and one for anything else, as well as the piece of Stormforged Armor you want upgraded."

Its pieces of Draconic armor that you turn in, not Stormforged.
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