Sorcerer's Labyrinth HP


Dalayan Adventurer
I've currently spent eight hours farming Sorcerer's Labyrinth castle for the hidden presence. Considering it's on the first tier of presences, can it be slightly more frequent? That's assuming it's not in a bugged state currently.

It's by far the most tedious presence to find. Mana drains, two pulls, and the golems having a large amount of hitpoints and magic resistance.
I got mine just outside the castle by the door. It didn't take to long, but it's all random really. You can get the pop from the first kill or the 100th. It's all about luck and persistance really. I have heard many stories from 1st kill to hours and hours of camping. Just keep at it the cat will pop eventually. Your just getting unlucky is all.

BTW I hear most people have the luckiest pop from the mobs near the door to the well. I'm sure it was all luck, but it does seem luckier there hehe. =p
We mass pulled that entire place for about 25 hours for mine. I hope you have a quicker trip.

Thanks again Zurkka =)
I took my monk and sham up there and got the first on the 4th kill, then it took another 8 hours for another one. At least you're not camping the wand of ice...
It took Jilguror several evenings to get that guy to spawn. It really makes you hate that zone. At least it is boxable for some combinations.
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