Solo suggestion question


Dalayan Beginner
so i am new to SoD... i have NOT played eq in a very very long time...

im planning on being a causal player & love to solo as much as possible.

what are your inputs on solo classes.
I love "evil" classes... i.e necro / sk

i was leaning more towards playing a Monk or a Beastlord.

anyways. input on necro/sk/monk/besatlord solo ability or other classes?
Necromancers are one of the best solo classes. Monks are not. SKs are not. Beastlords are good but not as good as Necromancers. This is speaking only purely from a solo standpoint. For groups or in duos all of this changes.

If you're considering other classes, Bards are probably the only class that gives Necromancers a run in soloability.
Of the classes you mentioned, necromancer is the only class I would recommend for soloing "as much as possible".
No one said you CAN"T make a solo monk or sk. They are just not going to be as easy to solo as a necro. Both of those classes are doable.
Since you are casual and prefer solo and evil... (I love evil).. heres a few thoughts:

Iksar monk/box druid
Gnome SK/box druid
Dark Elf mage/necromance (no box needed) but if you want box druid

Druid box is almost a great bonus at any class that loves to "solo". Decent heals, good buffs/ds and teleports.

Its hard to solo as a monk as a new player on here (That was my first character 1 year ago) i was very frustrated and nearly quit. It wasnt until i was in my late 20s that someone suggested I make a 2nd account and box. So foolishly I made a shaman, i thougth shaman and monk combo = god. Well... yes but looking back now what I know, I would have been better doing a druid box.

But dont let me sway you, iksar monk/shaman is a pretty "good" combo.
I could never make up my mind totaly.

Mostly I solo DE Necro.
Sometimes I box DE Necro and Druid
Sometimes I box DE Necro and DE Mage
Sometimes Iksar Monk and Druid

Never had the inkling to box Mage and Druid for some reason.

Oh, I also have a 64 bard that I solo now and then just for a change of pace.

Like I said, I could never make up my mind, but I always have fun.
Bind Wound is awesome, don't neglect it if you go monk or SK. Once you start making a little money, you can buy Medical Kits that are basically 400 bandages each and only take up 1 slot each (plus another slot for the bandages). They have plenty of soloability with their ability to Feign Death, lifetap and/or mend. It just might take a little longer.
well thanks guys!
i rolled an iskar monk and an iskar Sk to try them both out. prob play the SK much much more for now....
im actually running SoD on a macbook with parallels :) crazy huh?
it works pretty darn well. have not had lag yet, only during choosing options. i don't think ill be doing any boxing untill i my hands on a desktop.

my Sk's name is Xeratule. give me a shout if you see me!
ranger / shaman duo box beats anything.. really...

ranger can tank pretty easly with 2x 1h and shaman slows/dots/heals/buffs are the shizzle
I didnt toss ranger out cuz the poster said he likes to play "evil" races. I dont think we could be an iksar/ogre/troll/darky ranger but oh it would be cool...

Iksar Ranger for the win! Although a troll ranger that can slam and scratch his ass, thats pretty good too...
unfortunatly... i think iv come to thedreadful conclusion i may not be able to properly solo unless i have some decent gear (not twinked, but just decent) on a shadowknight
i might have to roll a druid on another account so i can eventually help lvl my SK, monk, BL & etc...

Ya one bad thing with druids, they arent "evil"... Shammys on the other hand fit the bill for "evil" type.

the MoP isnt so bad getting around ;)
Mages are not great when it comes to soloing, most classes perform far better.

Rangers are also good at soloing.

Mage/druid box really isn't the best. If I was to break it up into a top 3 combos with a mage it would be something like

1. Mage/cleric (High damage, High healing power, best hp buff for pet tankiness, hots, grouphots, excellent groupheal, pacify, stuns)
2. Mage Druid (High damage, ports, buffs, ds is redundant in terms of them though. Has gimpy aego option, you will still run out of mana on the mage 1st every time. Reasonable healing)
3. Mage/Shaman (High damage, buffs, Shaman sustainability is worthless in this instance, you're always going to be waiting on the mage. Low healing.)
Mansion of Portals - a zone that has connections between major cities for fast travel. There is likely a wiki article on it if you wish to know more.

Personally, with an SK I would say the Shaman would make a better partner. Pretty much each and every buff a shaman gets can be utilized well by the SK and they get many more buffs then Dru. If you can deal w/o ports, go Shaman. Druid will work fine also (any healing class will do tbh)....but Shm would be ideal.
i think i would personally much rather play a shaman than a druid...

you guys have been SO helpful. thanks alot.
i hope i see you guys & gals online some.

im excited to be playing an original take on eq...
Mansion of Portals - a zone that has connections between major cities for fast travel. There is likely a wiki article on it if you wish to know more.

Personally, with an SK I would say the Shaman would make a better partner. Pretty much each and every buff a shaman gets can be utilized well by the SK and they get many more buffs then Dru. If you can deal w/o ports, go Shaman. Druid will work fine also (any healing class will do tbh)....but Shm would be ideal.

The main thing you are missing with a Shaman versus the Druid is the best DS in the game. And for the Shaman I would say the best thing is the slows. It is a pretty close choice between the shaman and druid IMO. If you are named farming, I think the edge has to go to the Shaman (DOT DPS). For killing large numbers (DS Tanking) the edge goes to the Druid (AE DPS).

i think i would personally much rather play a shaman than a druid...
The decisive factor. Enjoy your shaman.
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