SoD trivia contest

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Staff Emeritus
When: Tuesday July 12th, probably around 7pm eastern

Where: In-Game, probably will commandeer Plane of Sky or something for those participating.

What: It's a contest of SoD knowledge. Make sure you know your lore, your zones, your trivia, your history, and other SoD-specific information.

How: The format and prize structure will be dependent on participation. Sign up here with a post including the character you'll play on. Getting caught trying to play on 2 characters will be considered cheating. Failure to sign up here and wanting to show up and play spur-of-the-moment may result in penalization.


If you dare try it, good luck!


Sign up List:
What zone is Plane of Sky in SoD anyways?

Can we sign up on the off chance we're able to make it but probably won't get on?
"Real Men Don't Use Levitate"

i hope that wasn't a potential trivia question

My head is full of work related trivia. Being really old, i keep forgetting the game's trivia. Can i just go to plane of sky in my mobile chair? i'll put my teeth in.
Wow, so everyone else is just scared?

Current plan (subject to change on a whim): Get 1 wrong and you're out.... unless you signed up in this thread, then you have to get 2 wrong.

Oh, and it's "Real men do not use levitate"... so named for its function during the Halloween 2008 Spooky Lotto.
You three can participate if you'd like. It's not like I'm going over potential questions in staff channels or with anyone IRL.
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