Small freezes every time I cast a spell.

Giving it a go now, fingers crossed and all that :D

Edit: Still a very small delay but nothing too out of the ordinary, thanks for the tip Gui.
Just for comparison, I've never had problems with AVG and WR in the past.

I started to get this delay problem recently, about a day after the 2nd server was brought in and the "filtering" problem popped up. I get freezes when spells fizzle as well as when i open bags.

I don't think it's AVG, it's been working fine with WR up until now.
Could try turning document scanning of in AVG, and see if it is or not.

Maybe it was an AVG update rather than a WR update that started the problem. Seems very coincidental that several of the people involved in this thread are running AVG.

I feel that this is a problem that originates from EQ code itself, but can be and often is made worse by apps such as AVG and its doc. scanning, as Gui pointed out.

I turned off document scanning and in another instance killed all AVG applications via Ctrl+Alt+Del, I've noticed a drop in the freeze time on both occasions but it still exists - considering the fact that I've experienced this both on Live and on WR, (didn't use AVG whilst playing Live), and the fact that some people including myself seem to find the freeze time increasing on particular occasions, I'd also recommend defragging the disk and keeping the EQ root folder as clean as possible.
I had this problem for a long time on live. It could be that it was introduced with PoP. I don't really remember the time frame.

I still get it in WR, and it's pretty bad. I think I used to try turning off anti-virus and that would work. I'll try it again when I get home to see if I notice a difference as well. I use McAfee.

My freezes can be anywhere from 0.5 to 5 seconds. They can be REALLY bad, and have been bad for me for years on live.
Hmmmm... I'll have to give it a try myself... The only thing I have issue with is once you disable the feature it turns your AVG grey and not fully functional. Just worried if it isn't protecting as much as it should be.
Honestly, unless you are doing a whole lot outside of WR - then an AntiVirus or software firewall is not needed. Majority of viruses require the user to perform some sort of action (open email or download something). Don't check you email, turn off you IM, and dont visit quiestionable websites - youll be fine.
Gonna uninstall AVG tonight and see if clamwin avoids this problem, because the gray icon in my taskbar bothers me. =p (Plus clamwin is less of a resouce hog from what I've seen.)

Very cool that we've figured it out though! Woot and such.
zutfen said:
Gonna uninstall AVG tonight and see if clamwin avoids this problem, because the gray icon in my taskbar bothers me. =p (Plus clamwin is less of a resouce hog from what I've seen.)

From the About ClamWin page:

Please note that ClamWin Free Antivirus does not include an on-access real-time scanner, that is, you need to manually scan a file in order to detect a virus.

Turning off real-time scanning bothers you more than not having real-time scanning? =P I bet you are right about it being less of a resource hog. ;)

I use AntiVir myself. I only use my gaming system to play WR so I am not to worry about protection - system is off when I am not playing (and I sometimes close AntiVir when playing since I DC (some would wonder why I have it installed). I don't really pay attention to resource usage and being at work I can't check it till later.

My other system is more vulnerable (Wife and her IM programs) and I use it to download torrents. I have yet to run into any performance issues on this box except when having two downloads going, burning a DVD, and her IM'ing. Course I still police her a little bit to avoid as much spy/ad-ware as possible - which is probably the biggest factor in performance loss that I come across. NOTE: this was mentioned to show that while I am partially vulnerable, I have not had to test this program.
I also don't really care about realtime scanning. I don't do the usual stuff that requires it. Chat, IM, Torrents, sites of Questionable Content (tm), etc. I've got a hardware firewall, so I'm not real worried; especially if it means no freeze up in WR! =) I just wish I could play in Mandrake 10.1, instead of Windows, then I wouldn't have to worry about it... but oh well. =)
Well I was looking at my running system processes, as one does, and noticed a sophos exec - was about this time that I remembered installing it a long time ago whilst I was at a LAN party, seems I never removed it :roll:

Uninstalled the sucker, rebooted & ran EQ, no more pauses whatsoever - I love you all. :uk:
zutfen said:
I also don't really care about realtime scanning. I don't do the usual stuff that requires it. Chat, IM, Torrents, sites of Questionable Content (tm), etc. I've got a hardware firewall, so I'm not real worried; especially if it means no freeze up in WR! =) I just wish I could play in Mandrake 10.1, instead of Windows, then I wouldn't have to worry about it... but oh well. =)
Its been done on wine/winex.
Currently looking into it a bit myself.
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