Small freezes every time I cast a spell.


Dalayan Beginner
Ok, sience today I get small freezes every time I cast a spell, loot a corpse or take a item out of my inventory, anyone have any sugestion to what it could be ?
This occurs even when you open and close bags and inventory as well... I don't think its something that be remedied... But I could be wrong.
Its been happening to me for sometime now... I always get that small momentary little freeze up, or hiccup as it were, when I cast a spell or what I mentioned above.

Unless your is a very drastic freezing...
Well, wasnt happenign to me yesterday morning.
Is happenign now, and is really, really annoying.
Tarrax Ironwolf said:
Its been happening to me for sometime now... I always get that small momentary little freeze up, or hiccup as it were, when I cast a spell or what I mentioned above.

Unless your is a very drastic freezing...
It's just small freezes but it's horribly annoying and makes the game unplayable.
well, its at least good to know its not my equip acting up.

i was starting to think i was having connection problems
I have same problem (and STILL have it), but started having that long ago (back in when PoP release on live), different DirectX file perhap?..

I miss those old day when nothing chopping me up when i do anything with UI.
I just wanted to bump this post back up ... because I have started having the same issue recently. I have been "off and on" with WR for several months, so I am not exactly sure when it started, or what might have changed.

Any new thoughts about the pauses?
Same here, except every time I forage something, I get a small freeze.
Additionally, there's quite a bit of constant lag. The game is still playable, just not enjoyable; after a while the lag makes me feel dizzy and I have to log out. :sadf:
I've put up with this since PoP release on Live, and as far as I know it's pretty widespread, it even occurs on minimal graphics options, so likely something within the code itself. I remember being told once that it's the game doing something with the hard drive, (erm?). Just a few seconds freeze after making an action, for instance casting a spell, opening a bag, looting a corpse. I thought everybody suffered from it :brow:

Turning the in-game sound off completely seems to have cut my freeze time by a second or so.
I've been having the same problem: I was told it's a known issue that there is no solution to, but I don't know if that's the official line on it or not. It does make it much more tedious to try to do anything, no doubt about it.
Perhaps it's some sort of optimization thing. when i first started WR i played on a 400 mhz proccessor and crap radeon card. but was fine at first, no hiccup. It ultimately showed up, and steadily got worse, so bad I didn't want to play. during my first few months here I was sving up for a new computer, now i have it( made it myself :D). After I installed EQ on a 2.0ghz processor, radeon 9600 xt, and two 7200 rpm 80 gb HD in a raid 0 array ( for peorformance). it was smooth as silk. However, today I saw the beginning of the hiccup.
If i can't find a solution for the program in it's current state(unpartitioned hd). I'll give it it's own partition. perhaps that'll help? anyone try this?
Virus software

I had this same problem; every time I'd start to play a (bard) song, or open a bag in inventory, there would be a subsecond freeze.

I found that if I turned off "document" scanning on my virus checker (I use AVG), the problem went away. My guess is that every time you perform one of these actions, EQ is accessing a file from the hard disk, and the antivirus software is kicking in, and you get a freeze until it is finished scanning.

I only had to turn off "document" scanning, not executable or email scanning, so as long as you're not downloading and using stuff from unknown sites while you're playing, I'd think it would be pretty safe.

Hope this helps!
Okay, that would absolutely rock if that's all it is. I do use AVG also, so maybe that is the trick. I'll try that tonight and post my results. Hopefully they're the same! Thanks for the lead! :)
I've turned AVG off whilst playing, and I still get the freezes. But this interested me,

was fine at first, no hiccup. It ultimately showed up, and steadily got worse

If this is the case and it gets worse over time, and we believe the freeze is caused by the client reading the disk, sounds daft but has anybody tried defragging the entire disk to see if it helps? Think I'll give it a go, along with Gui's suggestion.

When I was first trying to find a solution to the problem, I tried disabling AVG as well. I right clicked, and selected the "close avg control panel" (or something like that, not on a machine with AVG right now), as that seemed to be the only option to disable it.

Turns out, that did exactly what it said; it closed the control panel, and the antivirus was still running in the backgroud. Only after fiddling with the options did I find that you had to go into the antivirus portion of the control panel and disable the parts of the scanner you wanted to turn off.

I hope this is your problem too, and that disabling the doc scanner works for you.

you wouldnt' happen to have any *cough* 3rd party apps *cough* going, would you?

to be honest.. it sounds like a database issue? (for those 'freeezeing' while opening bags, looting, forageing, etc)

where are you all connecting from that are haveing this problem?
As for just closing AVG, that's not the answer... well, not exactly.
AVG runs, I think, 3 programs resident in memory.

You likely have to a) Alt-Ctrl-Del and close anything with avg* in the process lines, or disable the resident scanner in the options.

This is theory, but I know for a fact that AVG runs in the background even when you shut down the control center.
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