Slow running


Dalayan Beginner
OK i just installed EQ on another comp besides my main one...but it loads running and fighting really shaman was getting his heels bitten running from a coyote even though he had SoW...normally he would get hit once...not 6 or brings new zone just fine but movement and whatnot is sloooooow...ok lemme give specs
old comp-pentium 4, 1500 MHz
1.6 GHz
256 MB of RAM
new- pentium 3, 1200 MHz
789 MHz
512 MB of RAM

ok so is the weaker MHz and processor causing this or is there something i can do about it...i cannot change anything about comp hardware(not my comp) so i just need to know if i can do some settings or something.
forgive me if this is a dumb suggestion but.......

are you sure you have run engaged? sometimes characters end up in walk mode for various reasons and with sow they sorta run but still not at full speed cause of the walk mode.
yes ive clicked into both run and walk modes...but everything looks like its in slow motion...everything takes longer..fighting,putting in hotkeys(i have to hold the buttons down for longer before the come up as hotkeys to be put into hotkey list...)its not just running
Ahh i see.

Have you tried turning off all the luclin models and turning the graphics settings to low? Also you can lower the view distance to help the PC too. That would probably help if the processor is struggling.
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