Silk Wrapping.

From now on these mobs have a double the drop rate of the silk chance to drop cheese for all the whine in this thread.
Isn't it about time this was looked at.

Even by the standards of SoD there seems to be something wrong.
I think you guys misread his statement (the joke, you've missed it). The cheese has twice the rate of the silk to drop.
I saw the joke. I was just being optimistic that it was actually changed. Way to pop my little bubble.
lol, well.. if it makes you feel better, if this thread is right, you'll never see the cheese either. Two times nothing is still nothing. :p
As a ranger who's accompanied our guild paladin on a number of corpseworm clearings, I would/will never attempt a quest for myself that has this kind of a bottleneck built in. A week respawn for a 2% chance at a quest drop would be a deal-breaker for me from the get-go. The fact that a small raid force is required to clear Lurk/corpseworms compounds the problem. The fact that multiple people are after these same targets every time they spawn makes it even worse.

I support an easing of the bottleneck for this quest.
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