Silk Wrapping.


Dalayan Elder
I have now cleared the corpseworms 12 times now and I am just wondering for the sake of my sanity, and also those who have come 5+ times with me spending 3-5 hours getting a raid together and killing all of this stuff, if this item is infact still on the corpseworms. If anyone can verify, that would put my mind at ease.
i have also cleared the corpseworms countless times with no silk dropping for me either. It seems to me that it is 100 times harder for a paladin to get a vah blade than it is for a SK. so much more trash in COM and the respawn rate is alot faster
I can fully appreciate rare drops, but man, this quest is *really* over the top. Both the ingot and wrap are quite silly to get for a weapon that isn't very good to start with, but that discussion has already been had.
The ingot is rare but the respawn is fast, so i have no complaints about that drop. However after clearing Lurk/Corpseworms/Wormwood with pugs 13 bloody times at a 7 day respawn and no silk? thats pretty crazy imo....
i really really think this drop/spawn rate for 12 mobs is super crazy... Ive seen eldrich steel and sunfire coal drop about 5 times each while ive been farming these corpseworms for my last gem to get arcfire... something really needs to be done about this
Just gotta say that I am also stuck on this drop. Was it meant to be a bottleneck like this? I can think of 6 paladins stuck on the silk drop and not one has dropped so far this year. I have all my drops for Archfire other then the silk. Personally it seems broken to me.

Maybe they should nerf the SK drop rates to go along the same lines? Just an idea. lol

Or maybe change the corpseworm timer to coincide with the respawn timers for all the first SK sword drops? Would work too.
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I would think it isn't a matter of having to kill for a while to get a quest drop, we're all used to that, but the week respawn combined with the relatively low amt of worms just makes this a miserable bottleneck.
Considering i have done 17 full clears now, since December and to my knowledge not 1 silk has not dropped on the runs i missed. These mobs right now are lucky to stay up for 12 hours, because their is now about 6 active paladins competing for the piece. soooo in theory, it could take 3 years for us 6 to see a vah sword at this rate.... seems a little insane....
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A little insane? Please tell me your joking. It takes an SK a day in CoM to get all his first drops.......I know this cause I know multiple SK's who have done it in a day. It's crazy that theres such a huge disparity between the 2.
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