Shaman Mask Quest


Dalayan Beginner
Turned in the 4 items to the spirit in Greenmist (Skull, Entrails, Blessed Dagger, Soil) and the dudes spawned. Died pretty fast, came back with my cleric and cleaned up - no spirit. I assume you're not so cruel as to make players refarm items that can take months to get because of 1 wipe - am I missing something, or did it bug out?

Character name: Dutoit
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Dude, I went through the whole thing, only to accidentally loot the final piece on my monk, wait 7 hours on a petition, and be told "you should've been more careful". (wonder how many monks have the shaman epic mask /flex) I took a week off the game, but ended up running back through the whole thing in less than half the time it took me the first time. In the end it's worth it. You just now know you can't take any chances. Look at that final result again. They made the quest that way for a reason. (Hell, wait til you get to the bones, lol...) (I've seen people catch it up to where you were in less than a week, so maybe you'll get lucky...)
It's not that bad. Really. The wiki tells you to take a lot of people for a reason. And really it took me ~1 week to do it the second time after I screwed up on thade. It happens. And if you get that far again feel free to hit me up on thade/juff for help, always willing to help with that because I know how bad it sucks to fail.
Same for me if you need another dps and healer combo. I've consoled far too many crushed shaman in my time.
You have my bow....

Wait, I'm not a ranger.

Seriously though, I'd be willing to help you with some extra DPS or heals if needed.

65 Wizard
I appreciate the offers everyone, it's just that I don't have the time that I used to to dedicate to this sort of thing - I don't have time to sit there and camp lottery spawns with lottery drops for hours and hours. Like I'm sure is the case with many others, it took me about 4 months to actually gather the pieces working on it on/off. I understand that it COULD take less time but to me it's not worth the effort after having it wasted the first time. I'll move on to something else.
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