Shadow Remnants.


Dalayan Elder
I hope this is not a spoiler in anyway. I'm asking people who knows this fight already, and i will not leak any other information other than the vague informations i have given here.

I have killed the Shade 2 times now, and both times he dropped 3 Shadow Remnants (and 1x tier 1ish item).

1 Remenant had class' Cleric, Druid and Shaman.
1 Remenant had class' Warrior, Paladin, Shadowknight and Bard.
1 Remenant had class' Enchanter, Magician, Wizard and Necromancer.

Shouldnt it drop 4 Shadow Remnants, so that all class' get a Shadow Remnant type?

Has anyone ever seen him drop the Monk, Rogue, Beastlord and Ranger Remnant?

I petitioned a GM about this, and he said that this was to be expected and that the Shade really did drop the Monk, Rogue, Beastloard and Ranger Shadow Remnants.

I thought i would ask an extra time before i start asking people to come help me for the 3rd. time...
Thank you, i can only hope the 3rd time is the charm then :)

(3rd time was the charm!)
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