Seizure warning problem?


Dalayan Beginner
Okay, so I run the eq patcher, then the SoD patcher, and once the game launches and it gets to the Seizure warning i won't be able anything?

I can't click the Okay button, I can't hit enter to get past it... Basically I can't interact with it. If I try and Alt Tab out, the box appears for a split second, then kind of flutters there appearing infront of the eqwindow, then behind I assume then in front again for a few seconds.

Now this wasn't a problem with the old Tan blackground seizure warning or intro screens...but with the newer black background with gold text, it freezes like this. The seizure warning also doesn't do this if I run regular EQ.

So I'd either like a way to fix this, or a way to not use the EQwindow thing...or...something...I just wanna play ;(

Edit: Okay I turned of window mode, and it does the whole booting up process in fullscreen, then goes to windows mode at character since it works, I guess I don't really need a solution that bad.
I get this Same problem. At the seizure warning when i go to click anything, I cant. it like tries to click on the eqw thing in the background.and then desktop icons like flicker. any solutions please??
Yep. Whenever you freshly install EQ and play the game for the first time since the new installation, EQ has the seizure warning instantly pop up. It only pops up that one time.
Still doesn't work, can't click on the EULA screen either, does the same thing

Still Need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click the mouse once on the background. Now move the mouse a little. Notice the white arrow moving. This is the Windows cursor.

Now hold down alt and hit the tab key. Then release alt.

Now move the mouse.

You should now have control of both the white arrow from windows and a previously unseen grey arrow from the upper left hand corner.

Use the grey arrow to hit the next button.

At various times to make this work, you may need to use alt+enter to switch from windowed to full screen modes.
I'm having the same problem.It may be because i reinstalled Eq just for this not sure.I tryed the Alt+Tab and it didn't work either.

I'm running on EQW Beta 2.35a
Oh... I could nto get the EQW to work right, so I went into options in the SoD patcher (or is it advanced... oh well, only one) and unchecked it.

I like to run full screen anyway, and you can still alt+enter to window and lookup stuff
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