Sadri Malath Neck Quest


Dalayan Beginner
A friend and I are stuck on two different parts of this quest due to NPC's not accepting items:

Character - Faldeney 65 Wizard
I am at the point when I give the Sicky-Smelling Vial to the Sane Froglok.

When hailed he says:
"For us, to know them is to know from where we fell long ago, and for them, to know us is to see what they might yet become. Is it fair that he should try to lift us up even as we pull them down?"
[Avanad sent me]

"You who come from the High Ones, with the stench of them on your mind. What is it you seek? To hear what we hear? When you find it, it finds you, they say."
[Hear What?]

"I can, yes, even now, loud in my mind. I sought to quiet it, sheltered nearby so I am struck not deaf. The keeper sees me here so I may hear him speak over it, it was loud, so loud in his home.....

{The rest of the dialogue contains spoilers about quest items needed, but it is the four descriptions I encountered before when I gathered them.}

Again, when I give him the item it does not spawn the Faceless Cultist. He just returns the Sicky-Smelling Vial to me.

Character - Tocuus 65 Beastlord

After giving Keeper Avanad an Ancient Dagger he just returns it rather than continuing to the last part of the quest.

When hailed he just says:

"The heart you gave me is what I wanted and it means all I feared. I'm sorry for getting you mixed into this business, Tocuus. This is a private matter, and I can't expect anyone else to help further than you have."

"With madness, darkness, and corruption. In a word: Mielech."

I'm not sure what is causing these issues but they seem very similar. Both NPC's are reverting to beginning dialogue and are returning quest items instead of spawning the next part of the quest.


Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

65 Wizard
After you got the vial, did either of you talk to Avanad and re-accept an earlier quest or something? Looking the qst file, it seems possible that if you went back through the old dialog your flag could have got set to an earlier value.

edit: changed Avanad's scripts to make sure that he doesn't let people re-accept earlier parts of the quest. for now, just petition to talk to me once and a while, and the next time I'm online I'll fix your flags.
Basically, Romuzari and I are both stuck at the point where you get the ancient dagger from the faceless cultist. Nothing spawns in the execution room, or anything other than the offerer's room. The Cultist doesn't fight back. Keeper Avanad won't accept the dagger.

I'd explain more in depth but I'm ridiculously tired.

TM, please contact Llyver or Romuzari in game regarding this if at all possible.
+1 on Dzilon, got the dagger after waiting for the cultist's script ; nothing happened so I killed him. I bring the dagger to the sane frog and he says its not his and gives it back to me, then tells me to give it to the Keeper ; but Avanad just gives it back to me.
OK. Slippers:

You have to enter the sacrificial room alone, with no invis on, and hail the keeper, and have him do the ENTIRE ritual. Do not move, stand up, fight him, fight his adds, or anything. Just wait.

Once the ritual is finished, he'll despawn and respawn in the exe room.

If you messed up somehow and didn't do the ritual, but got the knife, you have to go BACK to sadri, get another vial, and start over.

I did this quest 4 x and not once did I get this part right (for all that I tried). Good thing you get multiple vials. :toot:

But I would suggest that the ritualist doesn't drop the dagger in the sacrificial room, if that's possible.

You get another vial from Avanad by telling him "I need another vial" (there is no prompt)

I hope that helps!
i had no idea so many people wouldn't try to hail the cultist :psyduck:

ima add a thing later today to make it more obvious

Also, for the vial thing, when you get it, it says "you can obtain another one by mentioning the vial to the keeper" (ie just say anything with "vial" in it), but I added a dialogue option to make that clearer, too.
The most recent patch appears to have broken the quest; the cultists are attacking each other the instant they spawn :dumb:

For now, aint nobody get to do it; it'll be fixed next patch, but there's nothing i can do about it at the moment.
Yeah, last night while trying to do it in MieB, I would give the vial to the froglok, and change into Froglok illu. First time I tried, I didn't exactly rush to offerer's room, and by time I got there, the cultist frogs had already killed themselves with 20k nukes. Second time around I rushed there, and caught the spawn in time. The faceless cultist basically turned towards the froglok novice and started casting like he was about to suicide again, so I figured what I had to do was engage it and kill it before it did. During this fight none of those frogloks fought back whatsoever. I just assumed it was part of the show. Anyway, I got the dagger and the keeper won't accept it.

I'd like to try what Allielyn said, but seems according to Thinkmeats it's broken atm. And I'd have to agree because I never saw the keeper in that room with the cultists. As far as hailing the cultist.. I'm not sure. I hailed the corpse of the faceless one the first try for what it's worth :psyduck: second time didn't think about it, was more concerned with stopping mass suicide.
i came up with a sneaky sassafrass trick that might let me fix it before a patch

stay tuned :toot:
Speaking of killing each other, I don't know if it's intended but every time I did it, the cultists etc. would attack each other in the executioner's room. So the first time you head there (after the ritual) only the ritual would be left (although the ritualist + other cultists spawned as well); and the second time you head there (to kill the final guy), only he's left, although he spawns there with other cultists too.

I buglisted it once I figure out what was going on, just a heads up. =)
Allielyn said:
Speaking of killing each other, I don't know if it's intended but every time I did it, the cultists etc. would attack each other in the executioner's room. So the first time you head there (after the ritual) only the ritual would be left (although the ritualist + other cultists spawned as well); and the second time you head there (to kill the final guy), only he's left, although he spawns there with other cultists too.

I buglisted it once I figure out what was going on, just a heads up. =)

that would have been on the most recent patch and etc

leaving work now, here's hopin'
Okay, I got it rigged up all crazy-style so that the quest works, for the time being. It is by no means a perfect solution: the amount of frankebration required to get them to stop hitting each other was nothing short of monstrous. Use at your own peril (though it should work, more or less; if a couple cultists kill each other, i wouldn't cry about it), and it'll be back to normal on the next patch.
Thinkmeats said:
Okay, I got it rigged up all crazy-style so that the quest works, for the time being. It is by no means a perfect solution: the amount of frankebration required to get them to stop hitting each other was nothing short of monstrous. Use at your own peril (though it should work, more or less; if a couple cultists kill each other, i wouldn't cry about it), and it'll be back to normal on the next patch.
Ok, giving it a test run now. I shall let you know how it goes.
Well, after a bunch more tries, I'm about ready to give it up. The Ritual worked fine. It's the execution room that's the problem. Whenever the faceless vanishes to that room, it just dies to the frogloks there teaming up on it. A try after has better results when there aren't frogloks there to kill it, but on that time I died. After another faceless spawning and dying to frogloks in the execution room, I go at it one last time. This time the faceless didn't even pop in the execution room, it repopped in the sacrificial room. After managing to kill it by the skin of my teeth, hoping that it might be good enough, Keeper did not accept the dagger. I'm way too frustrated at this point to try it again. I'll try again tomorrow if I feel the need to blow any more time on the quest.
Then I have good news: You're actually already done with that step. You probably just tried handing in the knife during the narrow window in which I had disabled the handin for other reasons.

As for the other stuff, I did say "at your own peril" for a reason v:)v
Thinkmeats said:
Then I have good news: You're actually already done with that step. You probably just tried handing in the knife during the narrow window in which I had disabled the handin for other reasons.

As for the other stuff, I did say "at your own peril" for a reason v:)v
Not really good news.. I already destroyed the knife after keeper wouldn't take it, assuming since he didn't take it that I had no choice but to kill the faceless in the execution room. But last night, after all the crashing on zone, I couldn't go any further.

I'm going in to kill it once more to see if trade in works now. Zoning and all tends to be a lot smoother during this time of day.

I wasn't really frustrated at the quest, I was with my constant crashes on zone and the four times I tried it... it took about 2 hours of fooling around because of crashes and stuff. Also other pain in the butt things that is mieB was happening.
Ok I'm done with this quest. After going through more of the spawning in exe room, regular frogloks attacking, blood frogs turning on each other, I tried my last time at it. This time after trying to split faceless from exe room, during FD, I was suddenly transported back to the sac room, reritual took place, and when faceless vanished back to exe room, I got up to run back to exe room, still had aggro from the mobs over in the exe room and they ran across mielech to murder me. So, I'm throwing in the towel. I'll live with using portals to get to sadri.

Oh and to add insult to injury, when I rezzed myself just now, I zoned back into MieB and was one shotted by a blood cultist out of no where. So I'm extra done with it now for sure.
I'm not without sympathy, but I'm not sure why you decided to try a barely-working quest over and over again, nevermind the dozen-odd hours you're saying you spent on it. It worked fine before the patch broke everything all to hell, and it'll work fine again after the patch; when I specifically said that it was crippled, and that you should only attempt it at your own peril, one would assume you'd stop after the first time an error sent you back to sadri :psyduck:
Thinkmeats said:
I'm not without sympathy, but I'm not sure why you decided to try a barely-working quest over and over again, nevermind the dozen-odd hours you're saying you spent on it. It worked fine before the patch broke everything all to hell, and it'll work fine again after the patch; when I specifically said that it was crippled, and that you should only attempt it at your own peril, one would assume you'd stop after the first time an error sent you back to sadri :psyduck:
I tried it over and over again because frankly, been bored to death lately, and I felt the desire to test the short term fix. So, in essence, I recommend anyone looking to do it, to just wait for things to be fixed.
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