Rotblade and the 10wis


Dalayan Adventurer
Why does Rotblade have 10 wis rather then 10int? Especially since Paladins should be using their Soulfire...

Seems that there is no reason for it to be 10wis and no int since it is a Knight only item, that benefits Paladins more so then Shadow Knights usual. I know these things have been brought up before on various occasions. But it always seems Knight only gear favors the Paladin on stats most of the time, even on occasions where the Paladin has better option exclusive to his class.

/rant off
Hey guys I've noticed a lot of my gear has mana on it but I'm a monk so it's not perfectly itemized for me. I'd appreciate it if the mana on all of my equipment could be changed to more hp, thx
actually I cant find a reason why it wouldn't have int on it as well. It would not really change the items power at all- all it would do is make it balanced between the 2 classes that can use it. Plus, with a name like ROTblade, it sounds like a more evil weapon...idk, seems like sk should be equal on it.
it always seems Knight only gear favors the Paladin on stats most of the time, even on occasions where the Paladin has better option exclusive to his class.

One example sure is a pattern. Sensationalizing your point isnt going to make anyone pay more attention to it.
One example sure is a pattern. Sensationalizing your point isnt going to make anyone pay more attention to it.

Disregarding his lack of understanding patterns, he does have a point - not that the wisdom should be replaced with Intelligence, but rather I think intelligence should be added as well.

It is a Shadowknight weapon as well and adding intelligence wouldn't change the power of the weapon, it would only make it more useful for shadowknights.

And as for paladins using soulfire instead, Most of the paladins I've seen see rotblade as an upgrade to Soulfire.. looking at the stats, I can very well see how.

the Rotblade doesn't have the 0.95 ratio of the Soulfire (not counting fire/disease) but it has a load more hp/mana not to mention the other stats being way higher than Soulfire.

I have no idea how often Disease damage hits in itself or compared to Fire damage so I don't know how one could calculate the actual ratio without doing hundreds of parses on hundreds of different mobs.
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