Rollback the debuff counter patch


Dalayan Elder
June 25th, 2022 patch notes:


I know there has been a lot of debuffs crashing people (Silent Halls traps, the entire Enchanter Apprentice Klikil fight in yclist, Cataclysm landing on the caster, etc). I think all of these problems originated with the patch that added in the poison/disease counters. I was hoping to get this reverted or maybe tested as the root cause of this crash.

Thanks for considering!
Have I really been crashing to accidently tashing myself (muscle memory click my 4.3 snake on a mob as it dies, only to lose target and tash lands on me instead - instant crash), cata'ing myself when my target peels off the group and comes to give me a kiss making me one of the cata splash targets, or running through mop and getting blasted randomly with portal whateverthefuck (or even just having it spread to me from some other chump idling at athica neck in) for nearly a YEAR. Where does the time go?
Have I really been crashing to accidently tashing myself (muscle memory click my 4.3 snake on a mob as it dies, only to lose target and tash lands on me instead - instant crash), cata'ing myself when my target peels off the group and comes to give me a kiss making me one of the cata splash targets, or running through mop and getting blasted randomly with portal whateverthefuck (or even just having it spread to me from some other chump idling at athica neck in) for nearly a YEAR. Where does the time go?
Sounds like it... has this ever caused issues for you that impact the enjoyment of the game?
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