Staff Emeritus
i can tell you use to much aqua net 
The hair, the clothing, the camera angles. Welcome.Shadron said:Ehhh I don't really consider the word "emo" to exist, as it has so many stereotypes it's not funny.
JayelleNephilim said:Well if he is legally blind in that eye he is probably not looking at much at all with it!
stope21 said:It's ryu that is 1 eye blind, and "Shadron" (whoever that is) with hair covering one eye.
Also jay, in terms of recruitment, I encouraged you to app for fusion (your hubby too I think) a long time ago when we did need a magi (and i think your hubby was a druid or something, can't really remember too accurately).
stope21 said:It's ryu that is 1 eye blind, and "Shadron" (whoever that is) with hair covering one eye.
stope21 said:Also jay, in terms of recruitment, I encouraged you to app for fusion (your hubby too I think) a long time ago when we did need a magi (and i think your hubby was a druid or something, can't really remember too accurately).
Andaara said:Yeah OK. The RL Bard, Hornist Extrordinair and starving artist. (Hacky pub shot from my Horn Professor days)
ebolamonkey said:On the left
stope21 said:Don't lie, we all know your the crazy mexican on the right thats probably in jail right now.
Boxers + Santa hat + Gun + Crazy cackle = Jail