requires a valid Everquest subscription


Dalayan Beginner
Okay new problem. I woke up this morning ran the EQ patcher, it finished, so I ran the SoD patcher. I get to the login screen, put in my account name and password, (my account name is normally already entered). So I hit enter, and it comes up with a box saying

This login requires a valid Everquest subscription. Please make sure you have signed up for this via the biling option.
You may access the billing system by click here.

Now did I miss somewhere where it said SoD required you to have an active subscription, (mine ran out a few months back), or did something go wrong here?
I am not tech support but I think I can help with this.

No you do not need any kind of EQ sub to play SoD.. But you do need to register an account on the SoD website. Go back to the FAQ link on the SoD website and read it again. There is a link in there under the word "register" to take you to the registration page.

You do NOT use your EQ login to play SoD. Not sure why you would even think that? How would the SoD server have your EQ login info? Read the FAQ carefully and follow the instructions.

I have reg'd 2 accounts for SoD no problems. It doesnt cost anything to reg an account, the error msg about a valid sub is simply a generic EQ message saying it cant find your acct.

Keeping in mind that although SoD doesnt charge a monthly fee, running these servers cost money and there are donation options on the website. You can do 1 time donations or recurring donations of as little as $5. Just a thought ;)
Re: requires a valid Game subscription

Noctus101 said:
Okay new problem. I woke up this morning ran the EQ patcher, it finished, so I ran the SoD patcher. I get to the login screen, put in my account name and password, (my account name is normally already entered). So I hit enter, and it comes up with a box saying

This login requires a valid Game subscription. Please make sure you have signed up for this via the biling option.
You may access the billing system by click here.

Now did I miss somewhere where it said SoD required you to have an active subscription, (mine ran out a few months back), or did something go wrong here?

Why did you run the EQPatcher? Once patched to SoD you shouldn't repatch to live (if it can be avoided).
My guess is that you're trying to connect to live. Check your eqhost.txt
Oh, well I'm confused then, I thought the little guide on the getting started page said to run the EQ patch before you run the SoD patch. But I only run it once? okay guess that was the problem, because i redownloaded and extracted the SoD patcher and stuff, and everything works.
You should patch to live, having selected all the expansions needed for SoD (up to PoP?). Once you've done so and the button in the EQ patcher says Play instead of Download or Cancel, you should close it and run the SoD patcher.
I have this same problem. I checked my eqhost.txt and it says


i doubt thats what its supposed to look like... that is most likely why its trying to run SoE's EQ. can someone post what their port is for SoD? thanks
Whenever you re-run EQlive patcher, delete SoDpatcher's files.txt before you try to play SoD again.
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