Refuge bug: Bind broken, raptor quest related.


When you first get the quest to kill raptor in the Main quest in ikisith, it resets your bind point to effectively banish you from refuge until you kill him. I finished this months ago on my bard, Juff. Afterwards I was able to come in go from the refuge again as you are supposed to be able to.

However, somewhere along the lines, my flags got broken; It now thinks I never killed raptor. If I try to enter from outside it repels me. If I leave from inside (I have a refuge gate clickie) it not only repels and disorients me as I hit the entrance, but also resets my bind point to no bind (I crash if I die, and then login to the arena when this happens). This is becoming increasingly annoying; every time I try to exp in ikisith dungeons my bind point gets screwed up and it's pretty frustrating to deal with.
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