Dalayan Elder
I've had this problem recently when trying to patch:
I'm able to skip the patching sequence and load EQW but when a new patch rolls out I'm not sure what's going to happen. My sodfiles.txt is entirely blank, if that helps at all.
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.95 at 12/14/14 - 07:53:44
Retrieving patcher CRC.
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patchlist.php?file=patcher
WARNING! Checksum retrieved for patcher is incorrect length 0. Ignoring new version.
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patch_diag.php?code=0
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patchlist.php
Loading server file list from /patchlist.php
Unable to retrieve server file list from /patchlist.php
Loading local file list from C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\sodfiles.txt
Launching: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\eqw\eqw.exe
I'm able to skip the patching sequence and load EQW but when a new patch rolls out I'm not sure what's going to happen. My sodfiles.txt is entirely blank, if that helps at all.